1 acabar
v.1 to finish, to end.cuando acabes, avísame tell me when you've finishedacabar de trabajar/comer to finish working/eating3 to finish with, to destroy, to be someone's ruin, to cause someone's ruin.4 to tire out.5 to have an orgasm, to come.* * *\■ la revolución acabó con los privilegios de los aristócratas the revolution put an end to the privileges of the aristocrats■ ¡este chico acabará conmigo! this boy will be the death of me!■ no lo toques, acabo de pintarlo ahora mismo don't touch it, I've just painted itno acabar de...¡se acabó! that's it!* * *verbto finish, complete, end- acabarse- acabar de* * *1. VT1) (=terminar) [+ actividad, trabajo] [gen] to finish; (=dar el toque final a) to finish off¿habéis acabado la instalación de la antena? — have you finished installing the aerial?
me quedan solo un par de horas para acabar este cuadro — it'll only take me another couple of hours to finish off this painting
2) (=consumir) to finishya hemos acabado el aceite — we've used up o finished the oil
2. VI1) (=terminar) to finish, end¿te falta mucho para acabar? — are you nearly finished?, have you got long to go?
la crisis lleva años y no acaba — the recession has been going on for years and there's no sign of it ending
acabáramos —
cuento I, 1), rosario 1)acabáramos, ¿así que se trata de tu hijo? — oh, I see, so it's your son, then?
2)• acabar con —
a) [+ comida] to finish off; [+ injusticia] to put an end to, stop; [+ relación] to end; [+ reservas] to exhaust, use up; [+ esperanzas] to put paid to¿todavía no has acabado con la carta? — haven't you finished the letter yet?
hemos acabado con todas las provisiones — we've exhausted o used up all our supplies
b) [+ persona] (=atender) to finish with; (=matar) to do away withcuando acabe con ella, te lavo la cabeza — when I'm done o finished with her, I'll wash your hair
¡acabemos con él! — let's do away with him! *
3)• acabar de hacer algo —
a) [cuando se ha terminado]b) [cuando se está haciendo]para acabar de arreglarlo —
para acabar de arreglarlo, se fue sin despedirse — on top of everything, she left without even saying goodbye
- ¡acaba de parir!c)• no acabo de entender por qué lo hizo — I just can't understand why she did it
4) [con complemento de modo]la palabra acaba con o por "z" — the word ends in a "z"
• acabar en algo — to end in sth
después de tanto hablar, todo acabó en nada — after all that talk, it all came to nothing
5)6) [en una relación] to finish, split uphemos acabado — we've finished, we've split up
¿cuánto hace que acabaste con ella? — how long is it since you split up with o finished with her?
3.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)acabáramos! — (fam) now I get it! (colloq)
b) (en un estado, situación) to end up¿cómo acabó lo de anoche? — how did things end up last night?
acabó en la cárcel — he ended up in jail; (+ compl)
esto puede acabar mal — things could turn nasty o get ugly
acabar + ger o acabar por + inf — to end up -ing
acabarán aceptándolo o por aceptarlo — they'll end up accepting it
acabé por convencerme de que... — in the end I became convinced that...
c) ( rematar)2) acabar cona)acabar con algo — ( terminar) con libro/tarea to finish with something; con bombones/bebidas to finish off something; con salud/carrera to ruin something; con sueldo/herencia to fritter away something; con abuso/problema to put an end to something
b) (fam)acabar con alguien — ( pelearse) to finish with somebody; ( matar) to do away with somebody (colloq)
3) acabar dea) ( terminar)acabar de + inf — to finish -ing
para acabar de arreglarlo se puso a llover — to top o cap it all it started to rain
acabar de + inf: acaba de salir she's just gone out; acababa de meterme en la cama cuando... — I had just got into bed when...
c) ( llegar a)2.acabar de + inf: no acabo de entenderlo I just don't understand; no acababa de gustarle/convencerla — she wasn't totally happy about it/totally convinced
acabar vt1) <trabajo/libro> to finish; <curso/carrera> to finish, complete2) ( destrozar)3.1) ( terminarse) provisiones/comida to run out; problema to be over; reunión/fiesta to endes un trabajo que no se acaba nunca — it's a never-ending o an endless task
y (san) se acabó — (fam) and that's that
2)a) (liter) ( morir)b) (Méx) ( quedar destrozado)3) (enf) ( comer) to finish (up)* * *= end, end up, see through + to its completion, finish up, finish, wind up (in/at), curtain + fall, call it quits, lay + Nombre + to rest, wrap up, break up, finish off, top + Nombre + off, be over.Ex. But if you have a certain feeling about language, then language ends up becoming very, very important.Ex. I would like to thank all those who at various times throughout the course of the project assisted so ably in seeing the work through to its completion.Ex. Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.Ex. Besides, winding up in an exclusive arrangement with a distributor that has rotten customer service ruins any advantage.Ex. The third act is of course the denouement, when everything is made clear, all the loose ends are tied up, and the curtain falls.Ex. 'Professional people don't live by the clock: you wouldn't tell a doctor or a lawyer that he couldn't make a decision to call it quits on a particular day'.Ex. A New Orleans style funeral provided a humorous backdrop for library staff to relive the tragedies and successes of the old system as it was laid to rest.Ex. Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.Ex. His statement is a serious threat to the cooperative sector and was aimed at finishing off the movement.----* acabar cargando con Algo = wind up with + Nombre.* acabar con = put + paid to, quell, put to + rest, snuff out, stamp out, kill off, eat + Posesivo + way through.* acabar con el sufrimiento de Alguien = put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery.* acabar con la paciencia de Alguien = try + Nombre + patience.* acabar con la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint, try + the patience of a saint.* acabar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.* acabar con una nota de optimismo = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* acabar con un broche de oro = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* acabar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* acabar de + Infinitivo = have + just + Participio Pasado.* acabar de trabajar = clock off + work.* acabar en = result (in), land in.* acabar mal = come to + a bad end.* acabar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.* acabar paulatinamente = wind + Nombre + down.* acabar + Posesivo + días en = end up + Posesivo + days in.* acabar + Posesivo + vida útil = run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* acabar repentinamente = come to + a swift end, come to + an abrupt end.* acabarse = draw to + a close, peter out, run out, be gone, come to + an end, run out of, draw to + an end, wind down, be all gone.* acabarse el entusiasmo = run out of + steam.* acabarse el espacio = run out of + space.* acabarse el tiempo = time + run out, time + be + up.* acabarse la buena racha = the good times + run out.* acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* empezar a acabarse = run + low (on).* estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.* tumulto + acabar = tumult + die.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)acabáramos! — (fam) now I get it! (colloq)
b) (en un estado, situación) to end up¿cómo acabó lo de anoche? — how did things end up last night?
acabó en la cárcel — he ended up in jail; (+ compl)
esto puede acabar mal — things could turn nasty o get ugly
acabar + ger o acabar por + inf — to end up -ing
acabarán aceptándolo o por aceptarlo — they'll end up accepting it
acabé por convencerme de que... — in the end I became convinced that...
c) ( rematar)2) acabar cona)acabar con algo — ( terminar) con libro/tarea to finish with something; con bombones/bebidas to finish off something; con salud/carrera to ruin something; con sueldo/herencia to fritter away something; con abuso/problema to put an end to something
b) (fam)acabar con alguien — ( pelearse) to finish with somebody; ( matar) to do away with somebody (colloq)
3) acabar dea) ( terminar)acabar de + inf — to finish -ing
para acabar de arreglarlo se puso a llover — to top o cap it all it started to rain
acabar de + inf: acaba de salir she's just gone out; acababa de meterme en la cama cuando... — I had just got into bed when...
c) ( llegar a)2.acabar de + inf: no acabo de entenderlo I just don't understand; no acababa de gustarle/convencerla — she wasn't totally happy about it/totally convinced
acabar vt1) <trabajo/libro> to finish; <curso/carrera> to finish, complete2) ( destrozar)3.1) ( terminarse) provisiones/comida to run out; problema to be over; reunión/fiesta to endes un trabajo que no se acaba nunca — it's a never-ending o an endless task
y (san) se acabó — (fam) and that's that
2)a) (liter) ( morir)b) (Méx) ( quedar destrozado)3) (enf) ( comer) to finish (up)* * *= end, end up, see through + to its completion, finish up, finish, wind up (in/at), curtain + fall, call it quits, lay + Nombre + to rest, wrap up, break up, finish off, top + Nombre + off, be over.Ex: But if you have a certain feeling about language, then language ends up becoming very, very important.Ex: I would like to thank all those who at various times throughout the course of the project assisted so ably in seeing the work through to its completion.Ex: Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.Ex: Besides, winding up in an exclusive arrangement with a distributor that has rotten customer service ruins any advantage.Ex: The third act is of course the denouement, when everything is made clear, all the loose ends are tied up, and the curtain falls.Ex: 'Professional people don't live by the clock: you wouldn't tell a doctor or a lawyer that he couldn't make a decision to call it quits on a particular day'.Ex: A New Orleans style funeral provided a humorous backdrop for library staff to relive the tragedies and successes of the old system as it was laid to rest.Ex: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.Ex: His statement is a serious threat to the cooperative sector and was aimed at finishing off the movement.* acabar cargando con Algo = wind up with + Nombre.* acabar con = put + paid to, quell, put to + rest, snuff out, stamp out, kill off, eat + Posesivo + way through.* acabar con Algo = be done with it.* acabar con el sufrimiento de Alguien = put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery.* acabar con la paciencia de Alguien = try + Nombre + patience.* acabar con la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint, try + the patience of a saint.* acabar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.* acabar con una nota de optimismo = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* acabar con un broche de oro = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* acabar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* acabar de + Infinitivo = have + just + Participio Pasado.* acabar de salir de = be fresh out of.* acabar de trabajar = clock off + work.* acabar en = result (in), land in.* acabar mal = come to + a bad end.* acabar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.* acabar paulatinamente = wind + Nombre + down.* acabar + Posesivo + días en = end up + Posesivo + days in.* acabar + Posesivo + vida útil = run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* acabar repentinamente = come to + a swift end, come to + an abrupt end.* acabarse = draw to + a close, peter out, run out, be gone, come to + an end, run out of, draw to + an end, wind down, be all gone.* acabarse el entusiasmo = run out of + steam.* acabarse el espacio = run out of + space.* acabarse el tiempo = time + run out, time + be + up.* acabarse la buena racha = the good times + run out.* acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* acabar teniendo = end up with.* como si se acabara el mundo = like there's no tomorrow.* como si se fuese a acabar el mundo = like there's no tomorrow.* empezar a acabarse = run + low (on).* estar acabando con = eat away at.* estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.* nada se acaba hasta que no se acaba = nothing is done until it's done.* ¡se te acabó el cuento! = the jig's up!.* sin acabar = unfinished.* tumulto + acabar = tumult + die.* * *acabar [A1 ]viA¿te falta mucho? — no, ya casi acabo do you have much to do? — no, I've nearly finished2 acabar CON algo/algn to finish WITH sth/sb¿has acabado con esto? have you finished with this?espera, que todavía no he acabado contigo wait a minute, I haven't finished with you yetcuando acabes con Cristina ¿me puedes atender a mí? when you've finished with o ( colloq) when you're through with Cristina, can you help me?he acabado con ella I've broken up with o split up with o finished with her, I'm through with her ( colloq)4 acabar DE + INF:cuando acabes de leer el libro me lo pasas ¿vale? will you lend me the book when you've finished (reading) it?para acabar de arreglarlo, se puso a llover and to top it all o cap it all o make matters worse, it began to rain¡acabáramos! así que lo que quería era dinero now I get it! it was money he was afteres que vivió siete años en Tokio — ¡acabáramos! con razón habla tan bien japonés she lived in Tokyo for seven years, you know — oh, I see! that's why she speaks Japanese so well5 acabar + GER or acabar POR + INF to end up -INGacabarán por aceptarlo or aceptándolo they'll end up accepting it, they'll accept it in the endB (+ compl):la palabra acaba en or por `r' the word ends in `r'¿en qué acabó lo de anoche? how did things end up last night?(terminar, destruir): acabó con todos los bombones he finished off o ( colloq) polished off all the chocolatessi tratas así los zapatos vas a acabar con ellos en dos días if you treat your shoes like that, they'll be ruined o you'll wear them out in a couple of dayshay que acabar con este tipo de discriminaciones this sort of discrimination must be eliminated o eradicated, we/they must do away with o put an end to o put a stop to this sort of discriminationB ( fam)(matar): sabe demasiado, hay que acabar con él he knows too much, we're going to have to eliminate him o ( colloq) get rid of himeste clima/niño va a acabar conmigo this weather/child will be the death of meacababa de meterme en la cama cuando sonó el teléfono I had just got into bed when the telephone rangB no acabar DE + INF:el color no me acaba de gustar or ( Esp fam) no me acaba I'm not too sure I like the color, I'm not too sure about the color■ acabarvtA ‹trabajo› to finishB(destrozar): el esfuerzo lo acabó y tuvo que abandonar la carrera he was exhausted by the effort and had to drop out of the race■ acabarseA(terminarse): se nos ha acabado el café we've run out of coffee, the coffee's run out, we're out of coffee ( colloq)¡esto se acabó! no lo aguanto más that's it! I can't take any morete he dicho que no vas y (san) se acabó I've told you you're not going and that's all there is to it! o and that's that! o and let that be an end to it!B1 ( liter)(morir): se fue acabando poco a poco she slowly slipped away, her life's breath slowly ebbed away ( liter)2( Méx) (quedar destrozado): se acabó en ese trabajo that job finished him off o did for him ( colloq)* * *
acabar ( conjugate acabar) verbo intransitivo
[ persona] to finish;
[ novios] to split up;
(+ compl)
ese chico va a acabar mal that boy will come to no good;
la película acabó bien the movie had a happy ending;
acabarán aceptándolo o por aceptarlo they'll end up accepting it;
acabar de algo to end up as sth;
acabó de camarero he ended up (working) as a waiter
‹con bombones/bebidas› to finish off sth;
‹con salud/carrera› to ruin sth;
‹con sueldo/herencia› to fritter away sth;
‹con abuso/problema› to put an end to sth
( matar) to do away with sb (colloq);
acababa de meterme en la cama cuando … I had just got into bed when …
no acababa de gustarle she wasn't totally happy about it
verbo transitivo ‹trabajo/libro› to finish;
‹curso/carrera› to finish, complete
acabarse verbo pronominal
1 ( terminarse) [provisiones/comida] to run out;
[ problema] to be over;
[reunión/fiesta/curso] to end;
[ proyecto] to finish, come to an end;
[ año] to come to an end;
se le acabaron las fuerzas he ran out of energy;
un trabajo que no se acaba nunca a never-ending o an endless task;
¡esto se acabó! that's it!
2 ( enf) ( comer) to finish (up)
I verbo transitivo
1 to finish (off) ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (completar) to complete
II verbo intransitivo
1 to finish, end: todo acabó bien, it all ended happily 2 acabar con (agotar las existencias) to finish something
figurado estás acabando con mi paciencia, I'm losing my patience with you
(romper algo) to break something
(matar) to kill: la droga está acabando con él, he's killing himself with drugs
(destruir, eliminar) to destroy something: hay que acabar con la tortura, we must get rid of torture
figurado las presiones acabaron con su carrera política, the overwhelming pressure finished off his political career 3 acabar de: acaba de llegar de Río, he's just arrived from Río
no acaba de decidirse, she hasn't made up her mind yet 4 acabar en: el partido de fútbol acabó en tragedia, the football match ended in tragedy 5 acabar por/acabar + gerundio acabé creyendo/por creer que estaba loca, I ended up thinking she was mad
' acabar' also found in these entries:
- finiquitar
- incompleta
- incompleto
- levantarse
- paciencia
- temblar
- terminar
- tabla
- break
- break down
- burial
- complete
- distance
- drag on
- end
- end up
- fade
- finish
- finish up
- get over
- get through
- grief
- illiteracy
- it
- paid
- racism
- round off
- settle
- sink
- stamp out
- there
- time-wasting
- use up
- wind up
- destroy
- do
- finished
- get
- kill
- near
- smash
- stop
- wind
- wipe
* * *♦ vt[terminar] to finish; RP Fam¡acabala! that's enough!♦ vi1. [terminar] to finish, to end;cuando acabes, avísame tell me when you've finished;acabar de trabajar/comer to finish working/eating;¿has acabado con el martillo? have o are you finished with the hammer?;acabar por hacer algo, acabar haciendo algo to end up doing sth;Fam¡acabáramos! so that's what it was!3.[salud] to ruin; [violencia, crimen] to put an end to;¡ese niño va a acabar conmigo! that boy will be the death of me!4. [volverse] to end up;7. Comp* * *I v/t1 finish2:II v/iacabar bien/mal end well/badly;to a bad end;¡acabáramos! now I get it!;¡acaba ya! hurry up and finish!;2:* * *acabar vi1) terminar: to finish, to end2)acabo de ver a tu hermano: I just saw your brother3)acabar vtterminar: to finish* * *acabar vb2. (acción, objeto) to end -
2 acabado
adj.1 finished, accomplished, concluded, all through.2 washed-up, all through.3 finished, well-done, perfect.4 depleted.m.1 finishing, finish.2 polished surface.3 finishing work.past part.* * *1 finish————————► adjetivo1 finish* * *1. (f. - acabada)adj.finished, done, complete, over2. noun m.* * *1. ADJ1) (=completo) finished2) (=viejo) old, worn outestar acabado — [de salud] to be a wreck
está acabado como futbolista — he's finished as a footballer, his footballing days are over
está muy acabado — Méx he's looking very old
2.SM (Téc) finish* * *I- da adjetivoa) [estar] < trabajo> finishedb) [estar] < persona> finishedIImasculino finish* * *I- da adjetivoa) [estar] < trabajo> finishedb) [estar] < persona> finishedIImasculino finish* * *acabado11 = finish, finishing, surfacing.Ex: The intention was to make the interior finish as flexible and adaptable as possible.
Ex: An enquirer wishes to retrieve documents on the ' finishing of concrete floors for industrial buildings'.Ex: The finishing or final surfacing of ordinary printing papers took place in the calender of the paper-making machine, when they were said to be machine-finished.* acabado a máquina = machine-finished.* acabado de lujo = luxury appointment.* acabado mate = matte finish.* dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.acabado22 = finished, spent.Ex: For storytelling and reading aloud are performance arts: They involve a script (even when the words are improvised on the spot), an interpreter (the teller or reader), and an audience, and as in all performances, the audience plays a part in molding the finished work.
* acabado en meseta = flat-topped.* acabado en punta = pointed.* * *1 [ ESTAR] ‹trabajo› finished2 [ ESTAR] ‹persona› finishedfinishfotos con acabado mate/satinado photos with a matt/satin finish* * *
Del verbo acabar: ( conjugate acabar)
acabado es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
acabado 1◊ -da adjetivo [estar]
acabado 2 sustantivo masculino
acabar ( conjugate acabar) verbo intransitivo
[ persona] to finish;
[ novios] to split up;
(+ compl)
ese chico va a acabado mal that boy will come to no good;
la película acabó bien the movie had a happy ending;
acabadoán aceptándolo o por aceptarlo they'll end up accepting it;
acabado de algo to end up as sth;
acabó de camarero he ended up (working) as a waiter
‹con bombones/bebidas› to finish off sth;
‹con salud/carrera› to ruin sth;
‹con sueldo/herencia› to fritter away sth;
‹con abuso/problema› to put an end to sth
( matar) to do away with sb (colloq);
acababa de meterme en la cama cuando … I had just got into bed when …
no acababa de gustarle she wasn't totally happy about it
verbo transitivo ‹trabajo/libro› to finish;
‹curso/carrera› to finish, complete
acabarse verbo pronominal
1 ( terminarse) [provisiones/comida] to run out;
[ problema] to be over;
[reunión/fiesta/curso] to end;
[ proyecto] to finish, come to an end;
[ año] to come to an end;
se le acabadoon las fuerzas he ran out of energy;
un trabajo que no se acaba nunca a never-ending o an endless task;
¡esto se acabó! that's it!
2 ( enf) ( comer) to finish (up)
1 adjetivo
1 (completo, terminado) finished
2 fig (viejo, destrozado) worn-out, spent: como actriz está acabada, she is finished as actress
II sustantivo masculino finish: este escritorio tiene un acabado perfecto, this writing desk has a perfect finish to it
I verbo transitivo
1 to finish (off) ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (completar) to complete
II verbo intransitivo
1 to finish, end: todo acabó bien, it all ended happily 2 acabar con (agotar las existencias) to finish something
figurado estás acabando con mi paciencia, I'm losing my patience with you
(romper algo) to break something
(matar) to kill: la droga está acabando con él, he's killing himself with drugs
(destruir, eliminar) to destroy something: hay que acabar con la tortura, we must get rid of torture
figurado las presiones acabaron con su carrera política, the overwhelming pressure finished off his political career 3 acabar de: acaba de llegar de Río, he's just arrived from Río
no acaba de decidirse, she hasn't made up her mind yet 4 acabar en: el partido de fútbol acabó en tragedia, the football match ended in tragedy 5 acabar por/acabar + gerundio acabé creyendo/por creer que estaba loca, I ended up thinking she was mad
' acabado' also found in these entries:
- colorín
- todavía
- victoria
- vivir
- mentalizar
- puntiagudo
- terminación
- do in
- finish
- finished
- over
- satin
- sketch
- through
- up
- use up
- gloss
- gone
- matt
- pointed
* * *acabado, -a♦ adj1. [terminado] finished2. [completo] perfect, consummate3. [fracasado] finished, ruined;♦ nm1. [de producto] finishacabado mate matt finish;2. [de piso] décor* * ** * *1) : finished, done, completed2) : old, worn-outacabado nm: finishun acabado brillante: a glossy finish* * * -
3 acabado
Del verbo acabar: ( conjugate acabar) \ \
acabado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: acabado acabar
acabado 1
◊ -da adjetivo [estar]
acabado 2 sustantivo masculino finish
acabar ( conjugate acabar) verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to finish; [ novios] to split up; (+ compl) ese chico va a acabado mal that boy will come to no good; la película acabó bien the movie had a happy ending; acabadoán aceptándolo o por aceptarlo they'll end up accepting it; acabado de algo to end up as sth; acabó de camarero he ended up (working) as a waiter 2 ‹con bombones/bebidas› to finish off sth; ‹con salud/carrera› to ruin sth; ‹con sueldo/herencia› to fritter away sth; ‹con abuso/problema› to put an end to sth ( matar) to do away with sb (colloq); 3 acababa de meterme en la cama cuando … I had just got into bed when … no acababa de gustarle she wasn't totally happy about it verbo transitivo ‹trabajo/libro› to finish; ‹curso/carrera› to finish, complete acabarse verbo pronominal 1 ( terminarse) [provisiones/comida] to run out; [ problema] to be over; [reunión/fiesta/curso] to end; [ proyecto] to finish, come to an end; [ año] to come to an end; se le acabadoon las fuerzas he ran out of energy; un trabajo que no se acaba nunca a never-ending o an endless task; ¡esto se acabó! that's it! 2 ( enf) ( comer) to finish (up)
1 adjetivo
1 (completo, terminado) finished
2 fig (viejo, destrozado) worn-out, spent: como actriz está acabada, she is finished as actress
II sustantivo masculino finish: este escritorio tiene un acabado perfecto, this writing desk has a perfect finish to it
I verbo transitivo
1 to finish (off) ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (completar) to complete
II verbo intransitivo
1 to finish, end: todo acabó bien, it all ended happily 2 acabar con (agotar las existencias) to finish something figurado estás acabando con mi paciencia, I'm losing my patience with you (romper algo) to break something (matar) to kill: la droga está acabando con él, he's killing himself with drugs (destruir, eliminar) to destroy something: hay que acabar con la tortura, we must get rid of torture figurado las presiones acabaron con su carrera política, the overwhelming pressure finished off his political career 3 acabar de: acaba de llegar de Río, he's just arrived from Río
no acaba de decidirse, she hasn't made up her mind yet 4 acabar en: el partido de fútbol acabó en tragedia, the football match ended in tragedy 5 acabar por/acabar + gerundio acabé creyendo/por creer que estaba loca, I ended up thinking she was mad ' acabado' also found in these entries: Spanish: acabada - colorín - todavía - victoria - vivir - mentalizar - puntiagudo - terminación English: day - do in - finish - finished - over - satin - sketch - through - up - use up - gloss - gone - matt - pointed -
4 acabar
acabar ( conjugate acabar) verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to finish; [ novios] to split up; (+ compl) ese chico va a acabar mal that boy will come to no good; la película acabó bien the movie had a happy ending; acabarán aceptándolo o por aceptarlo they'll end up accepting it; acabar de algo to end up as sth; acabó de camarero he ended up (working) as a waiter 2 ‹con bombones/bebidas› to finish off sth; ‹con salud/carrera› to ruin sth; ‹con sueldo/herencia› to fritter away sth; ‹con abuso/problema› to put an end to sth ( matar) to do away with sb (colloq); 3 acababa de meterme en la cama cuando … I had just got into bed when … no acababa de gustarle she wasn't totally happy about it verbo transitivo ‹trabajo/libro› to finish; ‹curso/carrera› to finish, complete acabarse verbo pronominal 1 ( terminarse) [provisiones/comida] to run out; [ problema] to be over; [reunión/fiesta/curso] to end; [ proyecto] to finish, come to an end; [ año] to come to an end; se le acabaron las fuerzas he ran out of energy; un trabajo que no se acaba nunca a never-ending o an endless task; ¡esto se acabó! that's it! 2 ( enf) ( comer) to finish (up)
I verbo transitivo
1 to finish (off) ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (completar) to complete
II verbo intransitivo
1 to finish, end: todo acabó bien, it all ended happily 2 acabar con (agotar las existencias) to finish something figurado estás acabando con mi paciencia, I'm losing my patience with you (romper algo) to break something (matar) to kill: la droga está acabando con él, he's killing himself with drugs (destruir, eliminar) to destroy something: hay que acabar con la tortura, we must get rid of torture figurado las presiones acabaron con su carrera política, the overwhelming pressure finished off his political career 3 acabar de: acaba de llegar de Río, he's just arrived from Río
no acaba de decidirse, she hasn't made up her mind yet 4 acabar en: el partido de fútbol acabó en tragedia, the football match ended in tragedy 5 acabar por/acabar + gerundio acabé creyendo/por creer que estaba loca, I ended up thinking she was mad ' acabar' also found in these entries: Spanish: apurar - finiquitar - incompleta - incompleto - levantarse - paciencia - temblar - terminar - tabla English: barrier - break - break down - burial - complete - distance - drag on - end - end up - fade - finish - finish up - get over - get through - grief - illiteracy - it - paid - racism - round off - settle - sink - stamp out - there - time-wasting - use up - wind up - destroy - do - finished - get - kill - near - smash - stop - wind - wipe -
5 terminar
v.1 to end, to finish.¿cómo termina la historia? how does the story end o finish?2 to finish, to split up.¡hemos terminado! it's over!3 to finish off, to complete, to culminate, to end off.4 to end up, to wind up, to end up by.5 to break up.* * *3 (final de una acción, de un estado) to end up\terminar mal (historia) to have an unhappy ending 2 (personas - relación) to end up on bad terms 3 (- destino) to come to a sticky end* * *verb1) to end2) conclude3) complete4) finish5) expire* * *1.VT to finish2. VI1) [persona]a) [en una acción, un trabajo] to finish¿todavía no has terminado? — haven't you finished yet?
¿quieres dejar que termine? — would you mind letting me finish?
• terminar de hacer algo — to finish doing sth, stop doing sth
cuando termine de hablar — when he finishes o stops speaking
terminó de llenar el vaso con helado — he topped o filled the glass up with ice-cream
• no termino de entender por qué lo hizo — I just can't understand why she did it
no me cae mal, pero no termina de convencerme — I don't dislike him, but I'm not too sure about him
b) [de una forma determinada] to end upterminó diciendo que... — he ended by saying that...
c)• terminar con, han terminado con todas las provisiones — they've finished off all the supplies
hace falta algo que termine con el problema del paro — we need something to put an end to the problem of unemployment
he terminado con Andrés — I've broken up with o finished with Andrés
¡estos niños van a terminar conmigo! — these children will be the death of me!
d)• terminar por hacer algo — to end up doing sth
2) [obra, acto] to end¿cómo termina la película? — how does the film end?
¿a qué hora termina la clase? — what time does the class finish o end?
3) [objeto, palabra]• terminar en algo — to end in sth
termina en vocal — it ends in o with a vowel
4) (Inform) to quit3.See:* * *1.2.dar por terminado algo — <discusión/conflicto> to put an end to something
terminar vi1) personaa) ( de hacer algo) to finishterminar DE + INF — to finish -ing
b) (en estado, situación) to end upterminar DE algo: terminó de camarero he ended up (working) as a waiter; terminar + GER or terminar POR + INF to end up -ing; terminó marchándose or por marcharse — he ended up leaving
2)a) reunión/situación to end, come to an endesto va a terminar mal — this is going to turn out o end badly
y para terminar nos sirvieron... — and to finish we had...
b) ( rematar)3) terminar cona) (acabar, consumir)terminar con algo — <con libro/tarea> to finish with something; <con problema/abuso> to put an end to something
b)terminar con alguien — ( pelearse) to finish with somebody; ( destruir) to kill somebody
4) ( llegar a)3.terminar DE + INF: no termina de convencerme I'm not totally convinced; no terminaba de gustarle — she wasn't totally happy about it
1) azúcar/pan to run out; (+ me/te/le etc)2) curso/reunión to come to an end, be over3) (enf) <libro/comida> to finish, polish off* * *= be over, cease, conclude, discontinue, end, end up, exit, quit, see through + to its completion, terminate, finish up, break up, finish, wind up (in/at), get through, call it quits, carry through to + completion, finish off, top + Nombre + off, wind down, close + the book on.Ex. After collection has ceased (because a point of diminishing returns appears to have been reached), the cards must be put into groups of 'like' terms.Ex. Systems like OCLC are going from classical catalogs in the direction of online catalogs, and at least one institution on the OCLC system has discontinued adding cards to its catalog.Ex. But if you have a certain feeling about language, then language ends up becoming very, very important.Ex. If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of ' Quit' with another character.Ex. I would like to thank all those who at various times throughout the course of the project assisted so ably in seeing the work through to its completion.Ex. Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.Ex. Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.Ex. Besides, winding up in an exclusive arrangement with a distributor that has rotten customer service ruins any advantage.Ex. 'Professional people don't live by the clock: you wouldn't tell a doctor or a lawyer that he couldn't make a decision to call it quits on a particular day'.Ex. The author discusses the development process which began with a concept, continued with the formulation of objectives, and has been carried through to completion.Ex. His statement is a serious threat to the cooperative sector and was aimed at finishing off the movement.Ex. As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.Ex. Obama, who tries to steer clear of the political thicket of race and politics, accepted the apology and said he wanted to close the book on the episode.----* estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.* estar terminándose = be on + Posesivo + last legs, be on the way out.* no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.* terminar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.* terminar con una nota de optimismo = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* terminar con un broche de oro = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* terminar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* terminar de + Infinitivo = complete + Gerundio.* terminar de trabajar = clock off + work.* terminar en empate = end in + a draw, result in + a draw.* terminar en un tono + Adjetivo = end on + a + Adjetivo + note.* terminar formando parte de = find + Posesivo + way into/onto.* terminar la jornada laboral = clock off + work.* terminar mal = come to + a bad end.* terminar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.* terminar repentinamente = come to + a swift end, come to + an abrupt end.* terminarse = draw to + a close, run + short (of), be gone, come to + an end, draw to + an end, be all gone.* terminarse el tiempo = time + run out.* terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* terminar turno de trabajo = come off + duty.* terminar un embarazo = terminate + pregnancy.* * *1.2.dar por terminado algo — <discusión/conflicto> to put an end to something
terminar vi1) personaa) ( de hacer algo) to finishterminar DE + INF — to finish -ing
b) (en estado, situación) to end upterminar DE algo: terminó de camarero he ended up (working) as a waiter; terminar + GER or terminar POR + INF to end up -ing; terminó marchándose or por marcharse — he ended up leaving
2)a) reunión/situación to end, come to an endesto va a terminar mal — this is going to turn out o end badly
y para terminar nos sirvieron... — and to finish we had...
b) ( rematar)3) terminar cona) (acabar, consumir)terminar con algo — <con libro/tarea> to finish with something; <con problema/abuso> to put an end to something
b)terminar con alguien — ( pelearse) to finish with somebody; ( destruir) to kill somebody
4) ( llegar a)3.terminar DE + INF: no termina de convencerme I'm not totally convinced; no terminaba de gustarle — she wasn't totally happy about it
1) azúcar/pan to run out; (+ me/te/le etc)2) curso/reunión to come to an end, be over3) (enf) <libro/comida> to finish, polish off* * *= be over, cease, conclude, discontinue, end, end up, exit, quit, see through + to its completion, terminate, finish up, break up, finish, wind up (in/at), get through, call it quits, carry through to + completion, finish off, top + Nombre + off, wind down, close + the book on.Ex: Alternatively, the loan policy may be changed to make documents due when the vacation is over.
Ex: After collection has ceased (because a point of diminishing returns appears to have been reached), the cards must be put into groups of 'like' terms.Ex: Systems like OCLC are going from classical catalogs in the direction of online catalogs, and at least one institution on the OCLC system has discontinued adding cards to its catalog.Ex: But if you have a certain feeling about language, then language ends up becoming very, very important.Ex: If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of ' Quit' with another character.Ex: I would like to thank all those who at various times throughout the course of the project assisted so ably in seeing the work through to its completion.Ex: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.Ex: Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.Ex: Besides, winding up in an exclusive arrangement with a distributor that has rotten customer service ruins any advantage.Ex: 'Professional people don't live by the clock: you wouldn't tell a doctor or a lawyer that he couldn't make a decision to call it quits on a particular day'.Ex: The author discusses the development process which began with a concept, continued with the formulation of objectives, and has been carried through to completion.Ex: His statement is a serious threat to the cooperative sector and was aimed at finishing off the movement.Ex: As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.Ex: Obama, who tries to steer clear of the political thicket of race and politics, accepted the apology and said he wanted to close the book on the episode.* estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.* estar terminándose = be on + Posesivo + last legs, be on the way out.* no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.* para terminar = in closing.* sin terminar = unfinished.* terminar con Algo = be done with it.* terminar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.* terminar con una nota de optimismo = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* terminar con un broche de oro = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* terminar de forma positiva = end + Nombre + on a high (note).* terminar de + Infinitivo = complete + Gerundio.* terminar de trabajar = clock off + work.* terminar en empate = end in + a draw, result in + a draw.* terminar en un tono + Adjetivo = end on + a + Adjetivo + note.* terminar formando parte de = find + Posesivo + way into/onto.* terminar la jornada laboral = clock off + work.* terminar los estudios = graduate.* terminar mal = come to + a bad end.* terminar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.* terminar repentinamente = come to + a swift end, come to + an abrupt end.* terminarse = draw to + a close, run + short (of), be gone, come to + an end, draw to + an end, be all gone.* terminarse el tiempo = time + run out.* terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* terminar turno de trabajo = come off + duty.* terminar un embarazo = terminate + pregnancy.* * *terminar [A1 ]vt‹trabajo/estudio› to finish¿has terminado el libro que te presté? have you finished the book I lent you?este año no pudimos terminar el programa we didn't manage to get through o finish o complete the syllabus this yearpuedes terminarlo, nosotros ya comimos you can finish it off, we've already had some■ terminarviA «persona»terminar DE + INF to finish -INGestoy terminando de leerlo I'm reading the last few pages, I'm coming to the end of it, I've nearly finished reading it2 (en un estado, una situación) to end upterminar DE algo:terminar + GER or terminar POR + INF to end up -INGterminará aceptando or por aceptar la oferta she'll end up accepting the offer, she'll accept the offer in the endB1 «reunión/situación» to end, come to an end1(agotar, acabar): terminaron con todo lo que había en la nevera they polished off everything in the fridgeA «azúcar/pan» to run outse nos han terminado, señora we've run out (of them), madam o we've sold out, madamB «curso/reunión» to come to an end, be overse terminó la discusión, aquí el que manda soy yo that's the end of the argument, I'm in charge here* * *
terminar ( conjugate terminar) verbo transitivo ‹trabajo/estudio› to finish;
‹casa/obras› to finish, complete;
‹discusión/conflicto› to put an end to;
terminar la comida con un café to end the meal with a cup of coffee
verbo intransitivo
1 [ persona]
terminar de hacer algo to finish doing sth;
va a terminar mal he's going to come to a bad end;
terminó marchándose or por marcharse he ended up leaving
esto va a terminar mal this is going to turn out o end badly
no terminaba de gustarle she wasn't totally happy about it
‹con problema/abuso› to put an end to sth
( matar) to kill sb
terminarse verbo pronominal
1 [azúcar/pan] to run out;
2 [curso/reunión] to come to an end, be over
3 ( enf) ‹libro/comida› to finish, polish off
I verbo transitivo
1 (una tarea, objeto) to finish: ya terminó el jersey, she has already finished the pullover ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (de comer, beber, gastar) to finish: te compraré otro cuando termines este frasco, I'll buy you another one when you finish this bottle
II verbo intransitivo
1 (cesar, poner fin) to finish, end: mi trabajo termina a las seis, I finish work at six o'clock
no termina de creérselo, he still can't believe it
(dejar de necesitar, utilizar) ¿has terminado con el ordenador?, have you finished with the computer?
(acabar la vida, carrera, etc) to end up: terminó amargada, she ended up being embittered
2 (eliminar, acabar) este niño terminará con mi paciencia, this boy is trying my patience
tenemos que terminar con esta situación, we have to put an end to this situation
3 (estar rematado) to end: termina en vocal, it ends with a vowel
terminaba en punta, it had a pointed end
' terminar' also found in these entries:
- emplear
- enterrar
- fijarse
- frenesí
- gastar
- parar
- rematar
- sin
- ventilarse
- zanjar
- acabar
- completar
- concluir
- faltar
- hasta
- medio
- mucho
- para
- pelear
- por
- último
break up
- cease
- charge off
- clock
- close
- complete
- cooperation
- crop up
- drink up
- eat up
- end
- end up
- expire
- finish
- finish off
- finish up
- finish with
- get through
- graduate
- knock off
- leeway
- near
- stop
- time limit
- vain
- wind up
- and
- break
- concentrate
- conclude
- draw
- drink
- eat
- finished
- get
- leave
- nowhere
- round
- see
- undone
- unfinished
- wind
* * *♦ vt[acabar] to finish;termina la cerveza, que nos vamos finish your beer, we're going;RP Fam¡terminala! that's enough!♦ vi1. [acabar] to end, to finish;[tren, autobús, línea de metro] to stop, to terminate;¿cómo termina la historia? how does the story end o finish?;deja que termine, déjame terminar [al hablar] let me finish;terminar con la pobreza/la corrupción to put an end to poverty/corruption;¿has terminado con las tijeras? have o are you finished with the scissors?;han terminado con toda la leche que quedaba they've finished off o used up all the milk that was left;terminar con algo/alguien [arruinar, destruir] to destroy sth/sb;[matar] to kill sth/sb;para terminar, debo agradecer… [en discurso] finally, I would like to thank…3. [en cierto estado o situación] to end up;terminamos de mal humor/un poco deprimidos we ended up in a bad mood/(feeling) rather depressed;terminó de camarero/en la cárcel he ended up as a waiter/in jail;4. [llegar a]* * *I v/t end, finishII v/i1 end, finish;terminar con algo/alguien finish with sth/s.o.;3:* * *terminar vt1) concluir: to end, to conclude2) acabar: to complete, to finish offterminar vi1) : to finish2) : to stop, to end* * *terminar vb -
6 Very
1. attributive adjectiveon the very day when... — genau am [selben] Tag, an dem...
you're the very person I wanted to see — genau dich wollte ich sehen
at the very moment when... — im selben Augenblick, als...
in the very centre — genau in der Mitte
2) (extreme)at the very back/front — ganz hinten/vorn
at the very edge of the cliff — ganz am Rand der Klippe
at the very end/beginning — ganz am Ende/Anfang
only a very little — nur ein ganz kleines bisschen
the very fact of his presence — allein schon seine Anwesenheit
4) (absolute) absolut [Minimum, Maximum]do one's very best or utmost — sein menschenmöglichstes tun
the very most I can offer is... — ich kann allerhöchstens... anbieten
£50 at the very most — allerhöchstens 50 Pfund
5) (emphatic)2. adverbunder somebody's very nose — (fig. coll.) direkt vor jemandes Augen (Dat.)
it's very near — es ist ganz in der Nähe
in the very near future — in allernächster Zukunft
it's very possible that... — es ist sehr gut möglich, dass...
she's very/so very thin — sie ist sehr dünn/so dünn
how very rude [of him]! — das ist aber unhöflich [von ihm]!
[yes,] very much [so] — [ja,] sehr
very much prettier/better — [sehr] viel hübscher/besser
not very much — nicht sehr
very little — [nur] sehr wenig [verstehen, essen]
thank you [very,] very much — [vielen,] vielen Dank
not very big — (not extremely big) nicht sehr groß; (not at all big) nicht gerade groß
the very last thing I expected — das, womit ich am allerwenigsten gerechnet hatte
3) (precisely)the very same one — genau der-/die-/dasselbe
that is the very word he used — das ist genau das Wort, das er gebrauchte
in his very next sentence/breath — schon im nächsten Satz/Atemzug
4)very good — (accepting) sehr wohl; (agreeing) sehr schön
that's all very well, but... — das ist ja alles schön und gut, aber...
* * *['veri] 1. adverb2) (absolutely; in the highest degree: The very first thing you must do is ring the police; She has a car of her very own.) aller-, ganz2. adjective1) (exactly or precisely the thing, person etc mentioned: You're the very man I want to see; At that very minute the door opened.) genau3) (used for emphasis in other ways: The very suggestion of a sea voyage makes her feel seasick.) bloß•- academic.ru/119275/very_well">very well* * *[ˈveri]his behaviour makes me feel \very, \very cross sein Benehmen macht mich wirklich sehr bösethere's nothing \very interesting on TV tonight es kommt nichts besonders Interessantes heute Abend im Fernsehenhow \very childish of her to refuse to speak to me! wie absolut kindisch von ihr, sich zu weigern, mit mir zu sprechen!to not be \very happy/pleased about sth ( iron) über etw akk nicht gerade sehr glücklich/erfreut sein\very much sehrthank you \very much danke sehrnot \very nicht sehrnot \very much... nicht besonders...the \very best der/die/das Allerbestethe \very first/last der/die/das Allererste/Allerletzteat the \very most/least allerhöchstens/zumindestthe \very next day schon am nächsten Tagthe \very same genau der/die/das Gleiche4. (I agree)\very well [also] gut [o schön]can't I stay for five minutes longer? — oh \very well kann ich nicht noch fünf Minuten länger bleiben? — na schön famshe couldn't \very well say sorry when she didn't think she had done anything wrong sie konnte sich doch nicht entschuldigen, wenn sie ihrer Meinung nach nichts falsch gemacht hatteII. adj attr, inv genauthe \very idea! was für eine Idee!it's the \very thing! das ist genau das Richtige!at the \very bottom zuunterstthe \very fact that... allein schon die Tatsache, dass...the \very opposite das genaue [o genau das] Gegenteilthe \very thought... allein der Gedanke...* * *['verɪ]1. adv1) (= extremely) sehrI'm very sorry — es tut mir sehr leid
I'm not very good at maths — ich bin in Mathe nicht besonders gut
it's very possible — es ist durchaus or( sehr) gut möglich
he is so very lazy — er ist SO faul
very little —
very little milk — ganz or sehr wenig Milch
how well do you know her? – not very — wie gut kennst du sie? – nicht besonders gut
2) (= absolutely) aller-very last — allerletzte(r, s)
very first — allererste(r, s)
at the very latest —
to do one's very best —
3)4)(for emphasis) he fell ill and died the very same day — er wurde krank und starb noch am selben Tag
the very next day he was tragically killed — schon einen Tag später kam er unter tragischen Umständen ums Leben
what he predicted happened the very next week — was er vorhersagte, trat in der Woche darauf tatsächlich ein
5)very well, if that's what you want —
very good, sir — geht in Ordnung, mein Herr, sehr wohl, mein Herr (dated)
if you want that, very well, but... — wenn du das willst, in Ordnung or bitte, aber...
2. adj1) (= precise, exact) genauthat very day/moment — genau an diesem Tag/in diesem Augenblick
this laboratory is the very heart of our factory — dieses Labor ist der Kern unseres Werkes
on the very spot where... — genau an der Stelle, wo...
the very thing/man I need — genau das, was/genau der Mann, den ich brauche
2) (= extreme) äußerste(r, s)at the very back/front — ganz hinten/vorn(e)
to the very end of his life — bis an sein Lebensende
3)(= mere) the very thought of it — allein schon der Gedanke daran, der bloße Gedanke daran
the very idea! — nein, so etwas!
* * *V. abk1. Venerable2. Very4. Viscount* * *1. attributive adjective1) (precise, exact) genauon the very day when... — genau am [selben] Tag, an dem...
at the very moment when... — im selben Augenblick, als...
2) (extreme)at the very back/front — ganz hinten/vorn
at the very end/beginning — ganz am Ende/Anfang
4) (absolute) absolut [Minimum, Maximum]do one's very best or utmost — sein menschenmöglichstes tun
the very most I can offer is... — ich kann allerhöchstens... anbieten
£50 at the very most — allerhöchstens 50 Pfund
5) (emphatic)2. adverbunder somebody's very nose — (fig. coll.) direkt vor jemandes Augen (Dat.)
it's very possible that... — es ist sehr gut möglich, dass...
she's very/so very thin — sie ist sehr dünn/so dünn
how very rude [of him]! — das ist aber unhöflich [von ihm]!
[yes,] very much [so] — [ja,] sehr
very much prettier/better — [sehr] viel hübscher/besser
very little — [nur] sehr wenig [verstehen, essen]
thank you [very,] very much — [vielen,] vielen Dank
not very big — (not extremely big) nicht sehr groß; (not at all big) nicht gerade groß
the very last thing I expected — das, womit ich am allerwenigsten gerechnet hatte
3) (precisely)the very same one — genau der-/die-/dasselbe
that is the very word he used — das ist genau das Wort, das er gebrauchte
in his very next sentence/breath — schon im nächsten Satz/Atemzug
4)very good — (accepting) sehr wohl; (agreeing) sehr schön
very well — (expr. reluctant consent) also gut; na schön
that's all very well, but... — das ist ja alles schön und gut, aber...
* * *adj.sehr adj.wirklich adj. -
7 very
1. attributive adjectiveon the very day when... — genau am [selben] Tag, an dem...
you're the very person I wanted to see — genau dich wollte ich sehen
at the very moment when... — im selben Augenblick, als...
in the very centre — genau in der Mitte
2) (extreme)at the very back/front — ganz hinten/vorn
at the very edge of the cliff — ganz am Rand der Klippe
at the very end/beginning — ganz am Ende/Anfang
only a very little — nur ein ganz kleines bisschen
the very fact of his presence — allein schon seine Anwesenheit
4) (absolute) absolut [Minimum, Maximum]do one's very best or utmost — sein menschenmöglichstes tun
the very most I can offer is... — ich kann allerhöchstens... anbieten
£50 at the very most — allerhöchstens 50 Pfund
5) (emphatic)2. adverbunder somebody's very nose — (fig. coll.) direkt vor jemandes Augen (Dat.)
it's very near — es ist ganz in der Nähe
in the very near future — in allernächster Zukunft
it's very possible that... — es ist sehr gut möglich, dass...
she's very/so very thin — sie ist sehr dünn/so dünn
how very rude [of him]! — das ist aber unhöflich [von ihm]!
[yes,] very much [so] — [ja,] sehr
very much prettier/better — [sehr] viel hübscher/besser
not very much — nicht sehr
very little — [nur] sehr wenig [verstehen, essen]
thank you [very,] very much — [vielen,] vielen Dank
not very big — (not extremely big) nicht sehr groß; (not at all big) nicht gerade groß
the very last thing I expected — das, womit ich am allerwenigsten gerechnet hatte
3) (precisely)the very same one — genau der-/die-/dasselbe
that is the very word he used — das ist genau das Wort, das er gebrauchte
in his very next sentence/breath — schon im nächsten Satz/Atemzug
4)very good — (accepting) sehr wohl; (agreeing) sehr schön
that's all very well, but... — das ist ja alles schön und gut, aber...
* * *['veri] 1. adverb2) (absolutely; in the highest degree: The very first thing you must do is ring the police; She has a car of her very own.) aller-, ganz2. adjective1) (exactly or precisely the thing, person etc mentioned: You're the very man I want to see; At that very minute the door opened.) genau3) (used for emphasis in other ways: The very suggestion of a sea voyage makes her feel seasick.) bloß•- academic.ru/119275/very_well">very well* * *[ˈveri]his behaviour makes me feel \very, \very cross sein Benehmen macht mich wirklich sehr bösethere's nothing \very interesting on TV tonight es kommt nichts besonders Interessantes heute Abend im Fernsehenhow \very childish of her to refuse to speak to me! wie absolut kindisch von ihr, sich zu weigern, mit mir zu sprechen!to not be \very happy/pleased about sth ( iron) über etw akk nicht gerade sehr glücklich/erfreut sein\very much sehrthank you \very much danke sehrnot \very nicht sehrnot \very much... nicht besonders...the \very best der/die/das Allerbestethe \very first/last der/die/das Allererste/Allerletzteat the \very most/least allerhöchstens/zumindestthe \very next day schon am nächsten Tagthe \very same genau der/die/das Gleiche4. (I agree)\very well [also] gut [o schön]can't I stay for five minutes longer? — oh \very well kann ich nicht noch fünf Minuten länger bleiben? — na schön famshe couldn't \very well say sorry when she didn't think she had done anything wrong sie konnte sich doch nicht entschuldigen, wenn sie ihrer Meinung nach nichts falsch gemacht hatteII. adj attr, inv genauthe \very idea! was für eine Idee!it's the \very thing! das ist genau das Richtige!at the \very bottom zuunterstthe \very fact that... allein schon die Tatsache, dass...the \very opposite das genaue [o genau das] Gegenteilthe \very thought... allein der Gedanke...* * *['verɪ]1. adv1) (= extremely) sehrI'm very sorry — es tut mir sehr leid
I'm not very good at maths — ich bin in Mathe nicht besonders gut
it's very possible — es ist durchaus or( sehr) gut möglich
he is so very lazy — er ist SO faul
very little —
very little milk — ganz or sehr wenig Milch
how well do you know her? – not very — wie gut kennst du sie? – nicht besonders gut
2) (= absolutely) aller-very last — allerletzte(r, s)
very first — allererste(r, s)
at the very latest —
to do one's very best —
3)4)(for emphasis) he fell ill and died the very same day — er wurde krank und starb noch am selben Tag
the very next day he was tragically killed — schon einen Tag später kam er unter tragischen Umständen ums Leben
what he predicted happened the very next week — was er vorhersagte, trat in der Woche darauf tatsächlich ein
5)very well, if that's what you want —
very good, sir — geht in Ordnung, mein Herr, sehr wohl, mein Herr (dated)
if you want that, very well, but... — wenn du das willst, in Ordnung or bitte, aber...
2. adj1) (= precise, exact) genauthat very day/moment — genau an diesem Tag/in diesem Augenblick
this laboratory is the very heart of our factory — dieses Labor ist der Kern unseres Werkes
on the very spot where... — genau an der Stelle, wo...
the very thing/man I need — genau das, was/genau der Mann, den ich brauche
2) (= extreme) äußerste(r, s)at the very back/front — ganz hinten/vorn(e)
to the very end of his life — bis an sein Lebensende
3)(= mere) the very thought of it — allein schon der Gedanke daran, der bloße Gedanke daran
the very idea! — nein, so etwas!
* * *very [ˈverı]A adv1. sehr, äußerst, außerordentlich:a) sehr gut,b) einverstanden, sehr wohl;a) sehr gut,b) meinetwegen, na schön;I very much hope that…3. (vor sup) aller…:at the very earliest allerfrühestens;4. völlig, ganz:B adj1. gerade, genau:2. bloß:3. rein, pur, schier:4. eigentlich, wahr, wirklich:6. besonder(er, e, es):v. abk3. verb4. verse5. JUR SPORT versus, against6. very7. vide, see8. voice11. volume* * *1. attributive adjective1) (precise, exact) genauon the very day when... — genau am [selben] Tag, an dem...
at the very moment when... — im selben Augenblick, als...
2) (extreme)at the very back/front — ganz hinten/vorn
at the very end/beginning — ganz am Ende/Anfang
4) (absolute) absolut [Minimum, Maximum]do one's very best or utmost — sein menschenmöglichstes tun
the very most I can offer is... — ich kann allerhöchstens... anbieten
£50 at the very most — allerhöchstens 50 Pfund
5) (emphatic)2. adverbunder somebody's very nose — (fig. coll.) direkt vor jemandes Augen (Dat.)
it's very possible that... — es ist sehr gut möglich, dass...
she's very/so very thin — sie ist sehr dünn/so dünn
how very rude [of him]! — das ist aber unhöflich [von ihm]!
[yes,] very much [so] — [ja,] sehr
very much prettier/better — [sehr] viel hübscher/besser
very little — [nur] sehr wenig [verstehen, essen]
thank you [very,] very much — [vielen,] vielen Dank
not very big — (not extremely big) nicht sehr groß; (not at all big) nicht gerade groß
the very last thing I expected — das, womit ich am allerwenigsten gerechnet hatte
3) (precisely)the very same one — genau der-/die-/dasselbe
that is the very word he used — das ist genau das Wort, das er gebrauchte
in his very next sentence/breath — schon im nächsten Satz/Atemzug
4)very good — (accepting) sehr wohl; (agreeing) sehr schön
very well — (expr. reluctant consent) also gut; na schön
that's all very well, but... — das ist ja alles schön und gut, aber...
* * *adj.sehr adj.wirklich adj. -
8 recuperarse
1 (disgusto, emoción) to get over (de, -), recover (de, from)* * *VPR1) [enfermo] to recover (de from)la ciudad se recupera poco a poco tras la intensa nevada — the city is gradually recovering from the heavy blizzard
recuperarse de — [+ operación, enfermedad, crisis, viaje] to recover from
2) (Com) [economía, mercado, divisa] to recover* * *(v.) = rally + Reflexivo, find + Posesivo + feet, rebound, pick up, rally, turn + a corner, get + a second wind, get back into + the game, pick up + the piecesEx. Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.Ex. Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.Ex. As demand for hotel accommodation begins to pick up, albeit very unevenly, attention is turning again to how the major companies can gain market share.Ex. Thereupon he rallied, and with an air of accepting the inevitable turned into the library parking lot and went to his office.Ex. Although you may get a second wind with the rising of the sun, the longer you stay up, the more your condition deteriorates.Ex. Although they fought until the end, they could not get back into the game and succumbed to a 61-37 defeat.Ex. More than just a time for picking up the pieces, divorce is a new opportunity to improve on the past and create a fuller life.* * *(v.) = rally + Reflexivo, find + Posesivo + feet, rebound, pick up, rally, turn + a corner, get + a second wind, get back into + the game, pick up + the piecesEx: Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.
Ex: Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.Ex: As demand for hotel accommodation begins to pick up, albeit very unevenly, attention is turning again to how the major companies can gain market share.Ex: Thereupon he rallied, and with an air of accepting the inevitable turned into the library parking lot and went to his office.Ex: Although you may get a second wind with the rising of the sun, the longer you stay up, the more your condition deteriorates.Ex: Although they fought until the end, they could not get back into the game and succumbed to a 61-37 defeat.Ex: More than just a time for picking up the pieces, divorce is a new opportunity to improve on the past and create a fuller life.* * *
■recuperarse verbo reflexivo to recover, get over
' recuperarse' also found in these entries:
- recuperar
- sobreponerse
bounce back
- come through
- foot
- get over
- pull through
- rally
- better
- convalesce
- recover
- recuperate
* * *vpr1. [enfermo] to recover, to recuperate2. [de una crisis] to recover;[negocio] to pick up;* * *v/r recover (de from)* * *vr* * * -
9 show
1. nouna show of flowers/colour — eine Blumen-/Farbenpracht
show of force/strength — etc. Demonstration der Macht/Stärke usw.
dog show — Hundeschau, die
3) (entertainment, performance) Show, die; (Theatre) Vorstellung, die; (Radio, Telev.) [Unterhaltungs]sendung, die; see also academic.ru/70491/steal">steal 1. 1)put up a good/poor show — eine gute/schlechte Figur machen
good show! — gut [gemacht]!
it's his show — er ist der Boss (ugs.)
run the show — der Boss sein (ugs.)
give the [whole] show away — alles ausquatschen (salopp)
make or put on a [great] show of doing something — sich (Dat.) [angestrengt] den Anschein geben, etwas zu tun
be for show — reine Angeberei sein (ugs.)
2. transitive verb,do something just for show — etwas nur aus Prestigegründen tun
show somebody something, show something to somebody — jemandem etwas zeigen
have nothing/something to show for it — [dabei] nichts/etwas zum Vorzeigen haben
that dress shows your petticoat — bei diesem Kleid sieht man deinen Unterrock
this material does not show the dirt — auf diesem Material sieht man den Schmutz nicht; see also colour 1. 5); sign 1. 5)
he is showing his age — man sieht ihm sein Alter an
3)show [somebody] kindness/mercy — freundlich [zu jemandem] sein/Erbarmen [mit jemandem] haben
show mercy on or to somebody — Erbarmen mit jemandem haben
as shown in the illustration — wie die Abbildung zeigt
frontiers are shown by blue lines and towns are shown in red — Grenzen sind durch blaue Linien und Städte sind rot gekennzeichnet
the firm shows a profit/loss — die Firma macht Gewinn/Verlust
show somebody that... — jemandem beweisen, dass...
it all/just goes to show that... — das beweist nur, dass...
it all goes to show, doesn't it? — das beweist es doch, oder?
I'll show you/him etc.! — ich werd's dir/ihm usw. schon zeigen!
show somebody who's boss — jemandem zeigen, wer das Sagen hat
3. intransitive verb,show somebody over or round the house/to his place — jemanden durchs Haus/an seinen Platz führen
he was angry/bored, and it showed — er war wütend/langweilte sich, und man sah es [ihm an]
"Gandhi" - now showing in the West End — "Gandhi" - Jetzt im West End
3) (make something known)time will show — man wird es [ja] sehen
Phrasal Verbs:- show in- show off- show out- show up* * *[ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) zeigen2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) sich sehen lassen3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) zeigen4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) zeigen5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) zeigen7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) zeigen2. noun1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) die Schau2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) zur Schau stellen3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) der Schein4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) die Schau5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) der Eindruck•- showy- showiness
- show-business
- showcase
- showdown
- showground
- show-jumping
- showman
- showroom
- give the show away
- good show! - on show
- show off
- show up* * *[ʃəʊ, AM ʃoʊ]I. NOUNthose members who had made the most open \shows of defiance surprisingly abstained diejenigen Mitglieder, die ihre Ablehnung am deutlichsten bekundet hatten, enthielten sich überraschenderweise der Stimmehis refusal was a childish \show of defiance seine Weigerung war eine kindische Trotzreaktion\show of kindness Geste f der Freundlichkeitthe troops paraded in a \show of strength through the capital die Truppen marschierten durch die Hauptstadt, um ihre Stärke zu demonstrierendespite their public \show of unity they are close to getting divorced obwohl sie nach außen hin Einigkeit demonstrieren, stehen sie kurz vor der Scheidungare those lights just for \show? sollen die Lichter nur Eindruck machen?to make a \show of sth etw zur Schau stellenhe really made a \show of accepting the award ( fam) er hat bei der Entgegennahme des Preises die große Show [o eine Show] abgezogen fama \show of colour/flowers eine Farben-/Blumenprachtdog/fashion \show Hunde-/Modenschau fretrospective \show Retrospektive fslide \show Diavorführung f, Diavortrag m▪ to be on \show ausgestellt sein5. (entertainment) Show f; (on TV also) Unterhaltungssendung f; (at a theatre) Vorstellung f, Vorführung fpuppet \show Puppenspiel nt, Marionettentheater ntquiz \show Quizsendung f, Quizshow fradio/stage \show Radio-/Bühnenshow ftalent \show Talentwettbewerb mto stage a \show eine Show auf die Bühne bringenwho will run the \show when she retires? wer wird den Laden schmeißen, wenn sie in Pension geht? famshe prefers to be in charge of her own \show sie zieht es vor, unabhängig schalten und walten zu könnenhow did she run the \show when the company threatened legal action? wie hat sie die Angelegenheit geregelt, als die Firma mit rechtlichen Schritten drohte?I didn't like how he ran the \show during the strike mir hat es nicht gefallen, wie er mit der Situation während des Streiks umgegangen istthe wedding is their \show, let them do it their way es ist ihre Sache [zu entscheiden], wie ihre Hochzeit ablaufen soll▪ the \show die Baseballoberliga8.▶ \show of hands [Abstimmung f per] Handzeichen ntlet me see a \show of hands bitte mal die Hand hochhebenlet's have a \show of hands lass uns per Hand abstimmenby [or on] a \show of hands durch Handzeichenthey put on a \show of being interested sie taten so als seien sie interessiert, sie täuschten Interesse vorII. TRANSITIVE VERB<showed, shown or showed>1. (display, project)▪ to \show sth etw vorzeigenthis film has never been \shown on television dieser Film kam noch nie im Fernsehento \show a flag eine Flagge hissento \show sb one's ticket jdm seine Fahrkarte [vor]zeigento \show slides Dias vorführen [o zeigen]to \show the time die Uhrzeit anzeigenhis paintings will be \shown in the National Gallery until May seine Bilder sind bis Mai in der Nationalgalerie zu sehen2. (expose)▪ to \show sth etw sehen lassenyour blouse is \showing your bra durch deine Bluse kann man deinen BH sehen3. (reveal)▪ to \show sth etw zeigen [o erkennen lassen]he started to \show his age man begann, ihm sein Alter anzusehento \show courage/initiative/common sense Mut/Unternehmungsgeist/gesunden Menschenverstand beweisento \show genius/originality Genie/Originalität beweisento \show promise viel versprechend sein4. (express)▪ to \show sth etw zeigento \show clemency Milde walten lassento \show compunction Gewissensbisse habento \show sb respect jdm Respekt erweisenyou have to \show more respect du solltest mehr Respekt zeigen▪ to \show sth etw darstellenit's \showing signs of rain es sieht nach Regen aus6. (explain)▪ to \show sb sth jdm etw zeigen [o erklären]to \show sb the way jdm den Weg zeigen7. (record)to \show a loss/profit einen Verlust/Gewinn aufweisen8. (prove)▪ to \show sth etw beweisenorder to \show cause gerichtliche Verfügungto \show one's mettle zeigen, was in einem steckt▪ to \show sb that... jdm zeigen [o beweisen], dass...▪ to \show [sb] how/why... [jdm] zeigen, wie/warum...9. (escort)10.▶ to \show sb the door jdm die Tür weisenfive years in the job, and what have you got to \show for it? du machst diesen Job nun schon seit fünf Jahren, und was hast du nun von all der Mühe?III. INTRANSITIVE VERB<showed, shown or showed>she's four months pregnant and starting to \show sie ist im vierten Monat schwanger und allmählich sieht man es auch* * *[ʃəʊ] vb: pret showed, ptp shown1. n1)(= display) a fine show of roses — eine Rosenpracht
there was a strong show of resistance — es gab starken Widerstand
show of hands — Handzeichen nt, Hand(er)heben nt
to do sth for show — etw tun, um Eindruck zu schinden (inf) or zu machen
to make a great show of being impressed/overworked/pleased — sich (dat) ganz den Anschein geben, beeindruckt/überarbeitet/erfreut zu sein
without any show of emotion —
it was all show to be fond of show — es war alles nur Schau (inf) gerne prunken
3) (= exhibition) Ausstellung fdog/fashion show — Hunde-/Modenschau f
to go to a show ( esp Brit : in theatre ) — ins Theater gehen; ( US : in movie theater ) ins Kino gehen
to stop the show (lit) —
he stopped the show with his marvellous medley of old hits (fig) — der Höhepunkt der Show war sein wunderbares Medley alter Hits
See:→ steal5) (esp Brit inf)(jolly) good show! (dated) bad show! (dated) (= what a pity) — ausgezeichnet!, bravo! schwaches Bild (inf) so ein Pech!
to put up a good/poor show —
it's a pretty poor show when... — das ist vielleicht traurig or ein schwaches Bild (inf), wenn...
to give the ( whole) show away — alles verraten
2. vt1) (= display) zeigen; (COMPUT) anzeigen; (at exhibition) ausstellen, zeigen; (= demonstrate) dog vorführen; slides, film zeigen, vorführen; passport, ticket vorzeigento show sb sth, to show sth to sb — jdm etw zeigen
show me how to do it — zeigen Sie mir, wie man das macht
he had nothing to show for it — er hatte am Ende nichts vorzuweisen
I'll show him! (inf) — dem werd ichs zeigen! (inf)
See:2) (= register) (an)zeigen; loss, profit haben, verzeichnen; rise in numbers aufzeigen; (thermometer, speedometer) stehen auf (+dat); (calendar) zeigenit shows that... — es zeigt, dass...
the dial will show red if... — der Zeiger zeigt auf Rot, wenn...
3) (= indicate) zeigen; (= prove) beweisen; kindness, favour erweisen; courage zeigen, beweisen; loyalty, taste, tact, intelligence beweisen; respect bezeigen; proof erbringenthis shows him to be a thief —
I hope I have shown how silly it is — ich habe hoffentlich (auf)gezeigt, wie dumm das ist
it all or just goes to show that... — das zeigt doch nur, dass...
4) (= reveal) zeigenthe housing market is showing signs of life — auf dem Immobilienmarkt tut or rührt sich (wieder) (et)was (inf)
it showed signs of having been used — man sah, dass es gebraucht worden war
to show signs of wear — Abnutzungserscheinungen pl aufweisen
to show signs of tiredness — Ermüdungserscheinungen pl zeigen
show a leg! ( Brit inf ) — raus aus den Federn! (inf)
to show sb in/out — jdn hereinbringen/hinausbringen or -begleiten
to show sb out of a room — jdn hinausbegleiten, jdn aus dem Zimmer begleiten
to show sb into a room — jdn hereinbringen, jdn ins Zimmer bringen
to show sb to his seat/to the door — jdn an seinen Platz/an die or zur Tür bringen
they were shown over or (a)round the factory — ihnen wurde die Fabrik gezeigt, sie wurden in der Fabrik herumgeführt
3. vi1) (= be visible) zu sehen sein, sichtbar sein; (petticoat etc) vorsehen, rausgucken (inf); (film) gezeigt werden, laufen; (= exhibit artist) ausstellenthe pregnancy or she is now beginning to show — man sieht or merkt jetzt allmählich, dass sie schwanger ist
to show through —
2)(= prove) it just goes to show! — da sieht mans mal wieder!
4. vrto show oneself — sich blicken lassen (inf)
he showed himself to be a coward —
* * *show [ʃəʊ]A s1. (Her)Zeigen n:2. Show f, Schau f, Zurschaustellung f:3. (künstlerische etc) Darbietung, Vorführung f, Vorstellung f, Show f, Schau f:4. umg (Theater-, Film)Vorstellung f5. Show f, Schau f, Ausstellung f:6. (Radio-, Fernseh)Sendung f8. fig Schauspiel n, Anblick m:9. umg gute etc Leistung:good show! gut gemacht!, bravo!10. Protzerei f, Angeberei f (beide umg):12. Spur f, Anzeichen n13. (Zirkus-, Theater) Truppe f14. umg Chance f:15. besonders Br umg Laden m, Sache f:16. Pferderennen etc: dritter PlatzB v/t prät showed, pperf shown, showed1. zeigen, sehen lassen, seinen Ausweis, seine Fahrkarte etc auch vorzeigen, -weisen:show o.s.b) fig sich grausam etc zeigen, sich erweisen als;I’ll show him! der soll mich kennenlernen!;never show your face again! lass dich hier nie wieder blicken!;“not shown” (in Katalogen etc) „ohne Abbildung“; → card1 1 a, etc3. sein Wissen etc an den Tag legen, zeigen4. Katzen etc ausstellen, auf einer Ausstellung zeigen5. zeigen:a) THEAT etc vorführenb) TV bringen6. jemanden ins Zimmer etc führen, geleiten, bringen:show sb about ( oder [a]round) the town jemandem die Stadt zeigen, jemanden in der Stadt herumführen;7. seine Absichten etc kundtun, offenbaren8. seine Pläne etc (auf)zeigen, darlegen9. zeigen, beweisen:10. JUR nachweisen, vorbringen:11. PHYS, TECH (an)zeigen:13. schlechten Geschmack etc zeigen, erkennen lassen, verraten14. jemandem eine Gunst etc erweisen:C v/i2. umg sich zeigen, erscheinen* * *1. nouna show of flowers/colour — eine Blumen-/Farbenpracht
show of force/strength — etc. Demonstration der Macht/Stärke usw.
dog show — Hundeschau, die
3) (entertainment, performance) Show, die; (Theatre) Vorstellung, die; (Radio, Telev.) [Unterhaltungs]sendung, die; see also steal 1. 1)4) (coll.): (effort)put up a good/poor show — eine gute/schlechte Figur machen
good show! — gut [gemacht]!
5) (coll.): (undertaking, business)it's his show — er ist der Boss (ugs.)
run the show — der Boss sein (ugs.)
give the [whole] show away — alles ausquatschen (salopp)
make or put on a [great] show of doing something — sich (Dat.) [angestrengt] den Anschein geben, etwas zu tun
2. transitive verb,be for show — reine Angeberei sein (ugs.)
show somebody something, show something to somebody — jemandem etwas zeigen
have nothing/something to show for it — [dabei] nichts/etwas zum Vorzeigen haben
this material does not show the dirt — auf diesem Material sieht man den Schmutz nicht; see also colour 1. 5); sign 1. 5)
2) (manifest, give evidence of) zeigen; beweisen [Mut, Entschlossenheit, Urteilsvermögen usw.]3)show [somebody] kindness/mercy — freundlich [zu jemandem] sein/Erbarmen [mit jemandem] haben
show mercy on or to somebody — Erbarmen mit jemandem haben
frontiers are shown by blue lines and towns are shown in red — Grenzen sind durch blaue Linien und Städte sind rot gekennzeichnet
the firm shows a profit/loss — die Firma macht Gewinn/Verlust
5) (demonstrate, prove) zeigenshow somebody that... — jemandem beweisen, dass...
it all/just goes to show that... — das beweist nur, dass...
it all goes to show, doesn't it? — das beweist es doch, oder?
I'll show you/him etc.! — ich werd's dir/ihm usw. schon zeigen!
show somebody who's boss — jemandem zeigen, wer das Sagen hat
3. intransitive verb,show somebody over or round the house/to his place — jemanden durchs Haus/an seinen Platz führen
he was angry/bored, and it showed — er war wütend/langweilte sich, und man sah es [ihm an]
"Gandhi" - now showing in the West End — "Gandhi" - Jetzt im West End
3) (make something known)time will show — man wird es [ja] sehen
Phrasal Verbs:- show in- show off- show out- show up* * *(cinema) n.Vorstellung f. n.Ausstellung f.Schau -en f. v.(§ p.,p.p.: showed)or p.p.: shown•) = aufweisen v.aufzeigen v.ausstellen (auf einer Messe) v.vorführen v.vorweisen v.zeigen v. -
10 see
see [si:]voir ⇒ 1 (a)-(h), 1 (j)-(o), 1 (q)-(s), 1 (u), 2 (a)-(e) consulter ⇒ 1 (d) rencontrer ⇒ 1 (e) recevoir ⇒ 1 (g) comprendre ⇒ 1 (j) s'imaginer ⇒ 1 (l) s'assurer ⇒ 1 (p) connaître ⇒ 1 (r) accompagner ⇒ 1 (t) comprendre ⇒ 2 (d)∎ can you see me? est-ce que tu me vois?;∎ he saw her talk or talking to the policeman il l'a vue parler ou qui parlait au policier;∎ did anyone see you take it? est-ce que quelqu'un t'a vu le prendre?;∎ did you see what happened? avez-vous vu ce qui s'est passé?;∎ now see what you've done! regarde ce que tu as fait!;∎ can I see your newspaper a minute? puis-je voir votre journal ou jeter un coup d'œil sur votre journal un instant?;∎ there's nothing there, you're seeing things! il n'y a rien, tu as des hallucinations!;∎ could you see your way (clear) to lending me £20? est-ce que vous pourriez me prêter 20 livres?;∎ to see the back or last of sth en avoir fini avec qch;∎ I'll be glad to see the back or last of her je serai content d'être débarrassé d'elle∎ did you see the match last night? as-tu vu le match hier soir?∎ can I see you for a minute in my office? je peux vous voir un instant dans mon bureau?;∎ guess who I saw at the supermarket! devine qui j'ai vu ou qui j'ai rencontré au supermarché!∎ she can't see you right now, she's busy elle ne peut pas vous recevoir ou voir maintenant, elle est trop occupée∎ do you still see the Browns? est-ce que vous voyez toujours les Brown?;∎ see you!, (I'll) be seeing you! salut!;∎ see you later! à tout à l'heure!;∎ see you around! à un de ces jours!;∎ see you tomorrow! à demain!;∎ see you in London! on se verra à Londres!∎ I don't see what's so funny! je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a de si drôle!;∎ I don't see any point in going back now je ne vois pas du tout l'intérêt qu'il y aurait à y retourner maintenant;∎ how do you see the current situation? que pensez-vous de la situation actuelle?;∎ as I see it, it's the parents who are to blame à mon avis, ce sont les parents qui sont responsables∎ she just couldn't see herself as a wife and mother elle ne s'imaginait pas se mariant et ayant des enfants;∎ they say this will be more efficient but I don't see it ils disent que cela sera plus efficace, mais je n'y crois pas;∎ can I borrow the car? - I don't see why not est-ce que je peux prendre la voiture? - je n'y vois pas d'inconvénients;∎ will you finish in time? - I don't see why not vous aurez fini à temps? - il n'y a pas de raison;∎ what do you see happening next? d'après vous, qu'est-ce qui va se passer ensuite?;∎ how do you see things developing? comment est-ce que vous envisagez l'avenir?∎ what can she possibly see in him? qu'est-qu'elle peut bien lui trouver?;∎ see that all the lights are out before you leave assurez-vous que ou veillez à ce que toutes les lumières soient éteintes avant de partir;∎ see that everything's ready for when they arrive veillez à ce que tout soit prêt pour leur arrivée;∎ familiar she'll see you right elle veillera à ce que tu ne manques de rien□, elle prendra bien soin de toi□∎ can I see your ticket, sir? puis-je voir votre ticket, Monsieur?∎ the city hasn't seen such crowds in decades la ville n'a pas connu une foule pareille depuis des dizaines d'années;∎ the next decade will see enormous changes la prochaine décennie verra se produire des changements considérables;∎ I never thought I'd see the day when he'd admit he was wrong je n'aurais jamais cru qu'un jour il admettrait avoir tort;∎ you don't see athletes like her any more! il n'y a plus beaucoup d'athlètes comme elle!∎ see Mr Smith to the door, please veuillez raccompagner M. Smith jusqu'à la porte;∎ he saw her into a taxi/onto the train il l'a mise dans un taxi/le train;∎ I'll see your $10 and raise you 20 je vous suis à 10 dollars et je relance de 20∎ she can't see any further than the end of her nose elle ne voit pas plus loin que le bout de son nez;∎ can I see? je peux voir?;∎ let me see!, let's see! fais voir!;∎ familiar see! I told you he wouldn't let us down tu vois! je t'avais dit qu'il ne nous laisserait pas tomber∎ is that the baby crying? - I'll go and see c'est le bébé qu'on entend pleurer? - je vais voir;∎ you'll see! tu verras!;∎ we'll soon see if… on saura vite si…∎ you see, there's something else you should know tu vois, il y a quelque chose d'autre que tu devrais savoir;∎ I was tired, you see, and… j'étais fatigué, voyez-vous, et…;∎ let me or let's see voyons voir;∎ it was, let me see, in 1938 c'était, voyons (voir), en 1938;∎ Mum said you'd take us to the fair - we'll see Maman a dit que tu nous amènerais à la foire - on verra (ça)3 noun∎ familiar they won't let us in - we'll (soon) see about that! ils ne veulent pas nous laisser entrer - c'est ce qu'on va voir!➲ see invoir à l'intérieur;∎ the curtains were drawn, so we couldn't see in les rideaux étaient tirés, nous ne pouvions pas voir à l'intérieur∎ can you see yourself out? pouvez-vous trouver la sortie tout seul?;∎ goodbye, I'll see myself out au revoir, ce n'est pas la peine de me raccompagner∎ we've got enough food to see the week out nous avons assez à manger pour tenir jusqu'à la fin de la semaine;∎ he isn't expected to see out the week il y a peu de chances qu'il survive jusqu'à la fin de la semaine;visiter;(b) (be wise to → person) percer à jour, voir dans le jeu de; (→ trick, scheme, behaviour) ne pas se laisser tromper par;∎ she saw through his apparent cheerfulness elle ne s'est pas laissée tromper par ou elle n'a pas été dupe de son apparente bonne humeur;∎ to see a show/film through assister à un spectacle/regarder un film jusqu'au bout(c) (support, sustain)∎ I've got enough money to see me through the week j'ai assez d'argent pour tenir jusqu'à la fin de la semaine;∎ £20 should see me through (to Monday) 20 livres devraient me suffire (jusqu'à lundi);∎ their love has seen them through many a crisis leur amour les a aidés à surmonter de nombreuses crises;∎ her good humour will always see her through any difficulties sa bonne humeur lui permettra toujours de traverser les moments difficiles∎ see to it that everything's ready by 5 p.m. veillez à ce que tout soit prêt pour 17 heures; -
11 coger
v.1 to take.¿puedes coger el teléfono, por favor? could you pick the phone up o answer the phone, please?2 to catch (atrapar) (ladrón, pez, pájaro).¿a que no me coges? bet you can't catch me!3 to catch up with (alcanzar) (persona, vehículo).se me ha caído el bolígrafo, ¿me lo puedes coger? I've dropped my pen, could you pick it up for me?5 to take (quedarse con) (propina, empleo, piso).7 to take.¿quién me ha cogido el lápiz? who's taken my pencil?8 to take, to catch.9 to catch, to get (contraer) (gripe, resfriado).10 to start to feel (sentir) (manía, odio, afecto).coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of11 to knock over, to run over.12 to catch.13 to get, to receive (sintonizar) (canal, emisora).16 to be.17 to catch on, to understand, to catch.18 to have.* * *8 (enfermedad, balón) to catch9 (acento, costumbres) to pick up10 (velocidad, fuerza) to gather12 (emisora, canal) to pick up, get1 (plantas, colores) to take\coger cariño a algo/alguien to become fond of something/somebody, take a liking to something/somebody* * *verb1) to take2) seize3) catch4) gather5) pick* * *Para las expresiones coger desprevenido, coger in fraganti, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO TRANSITIVO1) (=con la mano)a) (=tomar) to take¿puedo coger este? — can I take this one?
• coger a algn de la [mano] — to take sb by the hand
ir cogidos de la mano — to walk along holding hands {o} hand in hand
b) (=levantar) to pick upcoge al niño, que está llorando — pick up the baby, he's crying
c) [con fuerza] to graspd) (=sostener) to hold2) (=escoger) to pickcoge el que más te guste — take {o} pick the one you like best
3) [+ flor, fruta] to pick4) (=quitar) [gen] to take; (=pedir prestado) to borrow¿quién ha cogido el periódico? — who's taken the newspaper?
¿te puedo coger el bolígrafo? — can I borrow your pen?
te he cogido la regla — I've borrowed your ruler, I've pinched your ruler *
5) (=apuntar) to take (down)¿nos coges dos entradas? — would you get us two tickets?
• coger [hora] para el dentista/en la peluquería — to make an appointment to see {o} with the dentist/at the hairdresser's
7) (=adquirir)a) [+ enfermedad] to catchel niño cogió sarampión — the child got {o} caught measles
• coger [frío] — to get cold
• ha cogido una [insolación] — she's got sunstroke
b) [+ costumbre, hábito] to get into; [+ acento] to pick upc) [+ fuerzas] to gather; [+ velocidad] to gather, pick up8) (=atrapar)¡coge la pelota! — catch the ball!
¡por fin te he cogido! — caught you at last!
d) (Mil) to take prisoner, capturehan cogido a quince soldados — fifteen soldiers have been taken prisoner {o} have been captured
coger a algn en una mentira — to catch sb lying, catch sb in a lie
la guerra nos cogió en Francia — the war found {o} caught us in France
antes que nos coja la noche — before night overtakes us {o} comes down on us
10) (=empezar a sentir)• coger [aversión] a algo — to take a strong dislike to sth
• coger [cariño] a algn — to grow {o} become fond of sb, become attached to sb
• coger [celos] de algn — to become jealous of sb
11) (=tomarse) to take¿vas a coger fiesta mañana? — are you going to take tomorrow off?, are you going to take the day off tomorrow?
12) (=entender) [+ sentido, giro] to get¿no has cogido el chiste? — don't you get the joke?
13) esp Esp (=aceptar) [+ empleados, trabajo] to take on; [+ alumnos] to take in; [+ pacientes] [en hospital] to take in; [en consultorio] to take on14) (=alquilar) to take, rentcogimos un apartamento — we took {o} rented an apartment
15) (=viajar en) [+ tren, avión, autobús] to takevamos a coger el tren — let's take {o} get the train
16) (=ir por) to take17) (=recibir) [+ emisora, canal] to pick up, getcon esta radio cogemos Radio Praga — we can pick up {o} get Radio Prague on this set
18) (=retener) [+ polvo] to gather, collectesta moqueta coge mucho polvo — this carpet gathers {o} collects a lot of dust
los perros cogen pulgas — dogs get {o} catch fleas
19) (=aprender) to pick up20) (=incorporarse a)2. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) (=estar) to be¿coge muy lejos de aquí? — is it very far from here?
2) (=ir)• coger [por], cogió por esta calle — he went down this street
aquí no coge — there's no room for it here, it doesn't fit (in) here
4) [planta] to take6)- cogió y se fue3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) (esp Esp)a) ( tomar) to takecoge un folleto — pick up o take a leaflet
esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo — (fam) I just don't know where to start with this
b) ( quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to takec) <flores/fruta> to pick; < levantar> to pick upcoger a alguien en autostop — (Esp) to pick up a hitchhiker
no cogen el teléfono — (Esp) they're not answering the phone
2) (esp Esp) (alcanzar, atrapar)a) <ladrón/terrorista> to catchb) < pelota> to catchc) <pescado/liebre> to catchd) toro to gore3) (esp Esp)a) ( descubrir) to catchlo cogieron in fraganti/robando — he was caught red-handed/stealing
b) ( encontrar) to catch4)a) <tren/autobús/taxi> to catch, takeb) <calle/camino> to take5) (Esp fam)a) (sacar, obtener) <billete/entrada> to getb) ( traer)vete a coger el coche — go and get o bring the car
c) ( ocupar)coge la vez en la cola — take your turn in the line (AmE) o (BrE) queue
6) (Esp)a) ( aceptar) <dinero/trabajo/casa> to takeb) ( admitir) to takec) ( atender)7) (esp Esp) ( adquirir)a) < enfermedad> to catch; < insolación> to getcogí una borrachera — I got plastered (colloq)
b) <polvo/suciedad> to collect, gathercoger algo de color — ( broncearse) to get a bit of color
cogerla con alguien — to take it out on somebody
cogerla por hacer algo — (Ven fam) to take to doing something
8) (esp Esp) ( captar)a) <sentido/significado> to getb) < emisora> to pick up, get9) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)2.coger vi1) (esp Esp) planta to take; tinte/permanente to take2)a) (esp Esp)cojo/cogió y... — (fam)
si empiezas con eso cojo y me voy — if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o (AmE) I'm taking off (colloq)
b) (esp Esp) ( por un camino)coge por esta calle y... — take this street and...
c) (Esp fam) ( caber) to fit3) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)3.a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold onb) (recípr)* * *= pick up, seize, take, trap, brace, catch, grab, pick, entrap, hop on, pull from, pull off, reach out, grasp.Ex. A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.Ex. If the borrower being processed has been set to be trapped, DOBIS/LIBIS displays the message: 'You have trapped a borrower'.Ex. The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.Ex. 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.Ex. The network itself is assumed to be unreliable; any portion of the network could disappear at any moment ( pick your favorite catastrophe -- these days backhoes cutting cables are more of a threat than bombs).Ex. Librarians have been known to devote time to entrap and arrest individuals who use the library toilets for sexual purposes = Hay casos de bibliotecarios que han dedicado tiempo a atrapar y detener a individuos que utilizan los servicios de la biblioteca con fines sexuales.Ex. The article ' Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.Ex. The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.Ex. One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.Ex. The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.----* coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien desprevenido = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger a Alguien in fraganti = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien por sorpresa = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger cariño a = grow + fond of.* coger de la mano = hold + Posesivo + hand.* coger desprevenido = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger el toro por los cuernos = seize + the bull by the horns, take + the bull by the horns, grasp + the nettle, face + Posesivo + fears.* coger la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.* cogerle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.* cogerle el truco a Algo = get + the hang of.* coger miedo = scare + Reflexivo.* coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.* coger por sorpresa = come as + a great surprise, catch out, blindside, take + Nombre + unawares.* cogerse = snag.* cogerse de la mano = hold + hands.* cogerse la mano = join + hands.* coger una indirecta = take + a hint, get + a hint.* coger un enfriamiento = catch + a chill.* coger un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).* coger un taxi = take + a taxi.* extender la mano para coger algo = hand + reach for.* no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.* no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) (esp Esp)a) ( tomar) to takecoge un folleto — pick up o take a leaflet
esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo — (fam) I just don't know where to start with this
b) ( quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to takec) <flores/fruta> to pick; < levantar> to pick upcoger a alguien en autostop — (Esp) to pick up a hitchhiker
no cogen el teléfono — (Esp) they're not answering the phone
2) (esp Esp) (alcanzar, atrapar)a) <ladrón/terrorista> to catchb) < pelota> to catchc) <pescado/liebre> to catchd) toro to gore3) (esp Esp)a) ( descubrir) to catchlo cogieron in fraganti/robando — he was caught red-handed/stealing
b) ( encontrar) to catch4)a) <tren/autobús/taxi> to catch, takeb) <calle/camino> to take5) (Esp fam)a) (sacar, obtener) <billete/entrada> to getb) ( traer)vete a coger el coche — go and get o bring the car
c) ( ocupar)coge la vez en la cola — take your turn in the line (AmE) o (BrE) queue
6) (Esp)a) ( aceptar) <dinero/trabajo/casa> to takeb) ( admitir) to takec) ( atender)7) (esp Esp) ( adquirir)a) < enfermedad> to catch; < insolación> to getcogí una borrachera — I got plastered (colloq)
b) <polvo/suciedad> to collect, gathercoger algo de color — ( broncearse) to get a bit of color
cogerla con alguien — to take it out on somebody
cogerla por hacer algo — (Ven fam) to take to doing something
8) (esp Esp) ( captar)a) <sentido/significado> to getb) < emisora> to pick up, get9) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)2.coger vi1) (esp Esp) planta to take; tinte/permanente to take2)a) (esp Esp)cojo/cogió y... — (fam)
si empiezas con eso cojo y me voy — if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o (AmE) I'm taking off (colloq)
b) (esp Esp) ( por un camino)coge por esta calle y... — take this street and...
c) (Esp fam) ( caber) to fit3) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)3.a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold onb) (recípr)* * *= pick up, seize, take, trap, brace, catch, grab, pick, entrap, hop on, pull from, pull off, reach out, grasp.Ex: Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.
Ex: A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.Ex: If the borrower being processed has been set to be trapped, DOBIS/LIBIS displays the message: 'You have trapped a borrower'.Ex: The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.Ex: 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.Ex: The network itself is assumed to be unreliable; any portion of the network could disappear at any moment ( pick your favorite catastrophe -- these days backhoes cutting cables are more of a threat than bombs).Ex: Librarians have been known to devote time to entrap and arrest individuals who use the library toilets for sexual purposes = Hay casos de bibliotecarios que han dedicado tiempo a atrapar y detener a individuos que utilizan los servicios de la biblioteca con fines sexuales.Ex: The article ' Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.Ex: The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.Ex: One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.Ex: The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.* coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien desprevenido = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger a Alguien in fraganti = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien por sorpresa = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger cariño a = grow + fond of.* coger con chinchetas = thumbtack.* coger de la mano = hold + Posesivo + hand.* coger desprevenido = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger el avión = jet off.* coger el toro por los cuernos = seize + the bull by the horns, take + the bull by the horns, grasp + the nettle, face + Posesivo + fears.* coger la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.* coger las tetas = breast grabbing.* cogerle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.* cogerle el truco a Algo = get + the hang of.* coger miedo = scare + Reflexivo.* coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.* coger por sorpresa = come as + a great surprise, catch out, blindside, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger rápidamente = snatch up.* cogerse = snag.* cogerse de la mano = hold + hands.* cogerse la mano = join + hands.* coger una indirecta = take + a hint, get + a hint.* coger un enfriamiento = catch + a chill.* coger un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).* coger un taxi = take + a taxi.* extender la mano para coger algo = hand + reach for.* intentar coger = reach for.* no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.* no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.* * *coger [E6 ]vtAesto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo ( fam); I just don't know where to start with this, I can't make head or tail of this ( colloq)¿quién ha cogido el dinero que dejé aquí? who's taken the money I left here?B (alcanzar, atrapar)como te coja, ya verás you'll be sorry if I catch you2 ‹pelota› to catch3 ‹pescado› to catch; ‹liebres/faisanes› to catch, bagClo cogieron in fraganti/robando he was caught red-handed/stealingme cogió de buenas/malas she caught me in a good/bad moodD1 ‹tren/autobús/taxi› to catch, take2 ‹calle/camino› to takeE21 ‹dinero/propina› to take2 ‹trabajo/casa› to take3( Esp) (admitir, atender): ya no cogen más niños en ese colegio they're not taking any more children at that school nowestuvimos haciendo autostop durante horas hasta que nos cogieron we were hitching for hours before someone picked us upno pudieron cogerme en la peluquería, they couldn't fit me in at the hairdresser'sentrevistó a cinco personas, pero no cogió a ninguno she interviewed five people, but she didn't give the job to any of them o she didn't take any of them on1 ‹enfermedad› to catch; ‹insolación› to get2 ‹borrachera/berrinche›3 ‹polvo/suciedad› to collect, gathercon dos días en la playa ya cojo algo de color it only takes me a couple of days on the beach to start to tan o to get a bit of color4 ‹costumbre/vicio/acento› to pick up; ‹ritmo› to get intoC (captar)1 ‹sentido/significado› to getno cogió el chiste/la indirecta he didn't get the joke/take the hint2 ‹emisora› to pick up, get3 ‹programa/frase› to catch4 ‹apuntes/notas› to take■ cogerviA1 «planta» to take2 «tinte/permanente» to takeB1coge/cogió y … ( fam): si empiezas con ese tema cojo y me voy if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o ( AmE) I'm taking off ( colloq)2■ cogerse1 (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold on* * *
coger ( conjugate coger) verbo transitivo
1 (esp Esp)
coge un folleto pick up o take a leaflet
no cogen el teléfono (Esp) they're not answering the phone
2 ( atrapar) (esp Esp)
4 (Esp fam)
coger sitio to save a place
5 (esp Esp) ( adquirir)
‹ insolación› to get;
‹costumbre/vicio› to pick up;
6 (esp Esp) ( captar)
7 (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
verbo intransitivo
1 (esp Esp) [ planta] to take;
[tinte/permanente] to take
2 (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
cogerse verbo pronominal (esp Esp)
I verbo transitivo
1 to take
(agarrar) to seize: me cogió del brazo, he seized me by the arm
(sostener) to hold: cógeme el bolso un momento, por favor, please hold my bag for a moment
2 (un medio de transporte) to take, catch
(una pelota, un resfriado, a alguien que huye, a alguien haciendo algo) to catch: ¡te cogí!, I caught you!
3 (recoger del suelo) to pick (up)
(una cosecha, flores, ropa tendida) to pick
4 (un hábito) to pick up
(velocidad, impulso) to gather
5 (entender el sentido de algo) to grasp: no lo cojo, I don't understand it
6 (atropellar) to run over, knock down
7 LAm vulgar to fuck
II verbo intransitivo familiar
1 (caber) to fit
2 (para indicar inicio de acción) cogió y se puso a cantar, he went and started singing
♦ Locuciones: ¡Dios me/te/le... coja confesado!, Lord help us!
no hay por donde cogerlo, awful, third-rate
' coger' also found in these entries:
- acostumbrada
- acostumbrado
- agarrar
- alcanzar
- anillo
- atajo
- baja
- banda
- calle
- camino
- debajo
- despechugada
- despechugado
- desprevenida
- desprevenido
- embalarse
- empuñar
- enfriarse
- horizontal
- ligar
- mona
- prestar
- separarse
- soler
- sorprender
- sujetar
- timón
- tomar
- toro
- turca
- volante
- carrerilla
- catarro
- frío
- mano
- perra
- sorpresa
- tren
- trompa
- bend
- bypass
- catch
- catch out
- catch up
- cotton
- end
- entrap
- gather
- get
- go down with
- hold
- hook
- hop
- lasso
- luckily
- nail
- observe
- opt
- pants
- pick
- pluck
- reach
- red-handed
- stick
- take
- take to
- tape
- train
- trip up
- umbrella
- unawares
- answer
- fuck
- hint
- knack
- latch
- nab
- prisoner
- red
- surprise
- up
* * *coger Although the word coger is accepted in educated use throughout Latin America, in many places its principal meaning is the taboo sense indicated at 21. For this reason it tends to be avoided in other contexts, and is usually replaced by agarrar.♦ vt1. [tomar, agarrar] to take;¿puedes coger el teléfono, por favor? could you pick the phone up o answer the phone, please?;Fam Famno haber por dónde cogerlo: esta película no hay por dónde cogerla I couldn't make head or tail of this movie o Br film;tu hermano es muy raro, no hay por dónde cogerlo your brother's very strange, it's hard to know what to make of him;se sabe todas las respuestas, no hay por dónde cogerlo he knows all the answers, it's impossible to catch him out2. [quitar] to take;¿quién me ha cogido el lápiz? who's taken my pencil?;3. [recoger] [objeto caído] to pick up;[frutos, flores] to pick;se me ha caído el bolígrafo, ¿me lo puedes coger? I've dropped my pen, could you pick it up for me?;4. [atrapar] [ladrón, pez, pájaro, pelota] to catch;¿a que no me coges? bet you can't catch me!;Fam¡si te cojo, te la cargas! if I catch you, you'll be in for it!6. [alcanzar] [persona, vehículo] to catch up with;aceleró para coger al corredor que llevaba delante she ran faster to try and catch up with the runner in front of her;7. [tren, autobús] to take, to catch;8. [sacar, obtener] to get;¿has cogido las entradas? have you got the tickets?9. [quedarse con] [propina, empleo, apartamento] to take;están tan ocupados que ya no cogen más encargos they're so busy they've stopped taking on o accepting orders10. [contratar, admitir] [personal] to take on;el colegio ya no coge más alumnos para este curso the school has stopped taking pupils for this year11. [contraer] [gripe, resfriado] to catch, to get;12. [absorber] to absorb, to soak up;esta mesa coge mucho polvo al lado de la ventana this table gets very dusty o gathers a lot of dust next to the window13. [empezar a sentir] [odio, afecto] to start to feel;coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of14. [adquirir] [costumbre, vicio, acento] to pick up;Fam Famcogerla con alguien: la ha cogido con nosotros, y no deja de molestarnos she's got it in for us and never leaves us alone15. [sintonizar] [canal, emisora] to get, to receive16. [entender] to get;[oír] to catch;¿coges lo que te digo? do you get o understand what I'm saying to you?;18. [sujeto: vehículo] to knock over, to run over;[sujeto: toro] to gore;me cogió un coche, y ando con muletas I was run over o hit by a car, and I'm on crutches now;19. [abarcar] [espacio] to cover, to take up;estas oficinas cogen tres plantas del edificio these offices take up o occupy three floors of the building20. [elegir] to choose;♦ vi1. [situarse] to be;2. [dirigirse]coger a la derecha/la izquierda to turn right/left;3. [enraizar] to take;4. [contestar al teléfono] to answer;llevo un rato llamando, pero no cogen I've been calling for a while now, but there's no answer o they don't answersi seguimos así, cojo y me marcho if we carry on like this, I'm off* * *I v/t2 L.Am. vulgscrew vulgcoger el tren/bus catch the train/busII v/i2 L.Am. vulgscrew vulg4:* * *1) : to seize, to take hold of2) : to catch3) : to pick up4) : to gather, to pick5) : to gore* * *coger vb¿quién ha cogido mi libro? who's taken my book?quiero coger el tren de las 10.30 I want to catch the 10.30 train¿a que no me coges? I bet you can't catch me4. (fruta, flor) to pick5. (emisora, canal) to pick upte cojo el diccionario, ¿vale? I'm just borrowing your dictionary, OK?te llevo a tu casa, me coge de camino I'll take you home, it's on my way -
12 all
1. adjective, pronoun1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) todo2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) todos
2. adverb1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) completamente, totalmente2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) tanto, aún•- all-out
- all-round
- all-rounder
- all-terrain vehicle
- all along
- all at once
- all in
- all in all
- all over
- all right
- in all
1. completamente / totalmente2. empatados / igualesthe score was three all empataron a tres / el partido terminó con un empate a tres1. todo2. lo único / sólo3. todos / todo el mundotr[ɔːl]■ all day/month/year todo el día/mes/año■ all morning/afternoon/night/week toda la mañana/tarde/noche/semana1 completamente, totalmente■ you're all dirty! ¡estás todo sucio!\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall but casi■ it's £235 all in son £235 todo incluidoto be all over acabar■ the film's all right, but I've seen better ones la película no está mal, pero las he visto mejores 2 (well, safe) bien■ are you coming? --all right ¿te vienes? --vale 4 (calming, silencing) valeall that tanall the «+ comp» tanto + adj/adv, aún + adj/advall too «+ adj/adv» demasiado + adj/advat all times siempre1) completely: todo, completamente2) : igual3)4)all adj: todoall pron1) : todo, -da2)3)adj.• todo, -a adj.• todos adj.adv.• completamente adv.• del todo adv.n.• todo s.m.pron.
I ɔːl1) (before n) todo, -da; (pl) todos, -dasall kinds o sorts of people — todo tipo de gente
all morning — toda la mañana, la mañana entera
what's all this we hear about you leaving? — ¿qué es eso de que te vas?
I might as well not bother for all the notice he takes — para el caso que me hace, más vale que ni me moleste
we were dabbling in drink, drugs and all that — flirteábamos con la bebida, las drogas y todo eso or y todo lo demás; see also all III 3) d)
2)a) ( the greatest possible)b) ( any)
1) ( everything) (+ sing vb) todoall I can say is... — todo lo que puedo decir es..., lo único que puedo decir es...
will that be all, madam? — ¿algo más señora?, ¿eso es todo, señora?
all in good time — todo a su debido tiempo, cada cosa a su tiempo
2)a) ( everyone) (+ pl vb) todos, -dasshe is the cleverest of all — es la más inteligente de todos/todas
I don't intend to tell anyone, least of all her! — no pienso decírselo a nadie y a ella menos todavía
3)all of: now that all of the children go to school ahora que todos los niños van al colegio; all of the cheese todo el queso; it took all of 20 years to complete it — se tardó 20 años enteros en acabarlo
4) (after n, pron) todo, -da; (pl) todos, -dasthe unfairness of it all — la injusticia del caso or del asunto
5) (in phrases)a)b)c)he ate it, skin and all — se lo comió con la cáscara y todo
d)at all: they don't like him at all no les gusta nada; I'm not at all worried o worried at all no estoy preocupada en absoluto, no estoy para nada preocupada; thank you - not at all gracias - de nada or no hay de qué; she didn't feel at all well no se sentía nada bien; it's not bad at all, it's not at all bad no está nada mal; they'll come late, if they come at all vendrán tarde, si es que vienen; if (it's) at all possible — si fuera posible
1) ( completely)you've gone all red — te has puesto todo colorado/toda colorada
I got all wet — me mojé todo/toda
I'm all ears — soy todo/toda oídos
it's all the same to me — a mí me da igual or lo mismo
2) (each, apiece) ( Sport)3) (in phrases)a)b)the game had all but finished — prácticamente or ya casi había terminado el partido
c)all for: to be all for something: I'm all for sex education — estoy totalmente a favor de la educación sexual
d)all that — ( particularly) (usu neg)
e)all the — (+ comp)
it is all the more remarkable if you consider... — resulta aún or todavía más extraordinario si se tiene en cuenta...
[ɔːl] When all is part of a set combination, eg in all seriousness/probability, look up the noun. Note that all right has an entry to itself.to give one's all — ( make supreme effort) dar* todo de sí; ( sacrifice everything) darlo* todo, dar* todo lo que se tiene
1. ADJECTIVE1) todoit rained all day — llovió todo el día, llovió el día entero
40% of all marriages end in divorce — el 40% de los matrimonios terminan en divorcio
• it would have to rain today, of all days! — ¡tenía que llover hoy justamente!
• for all their efforts, they didn't manage to score — a pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, no lograron marcar un tanto
• they chose him, of all people! — lo eligieron a él, como si no hubiera otros
all that and all that y cosas así, y otras cosas por el estilo• all those who disobey will be punished — todos aquellos que desobedezcan serán castigados
of all the...sorry and all that, but that's the way it is — disculpas y todo lo demás, pero así son las cosas
of all the luck! — ¡vaya suerte!
best, four 2., 2)of all the tactless things to say! — ¡qué falta de tacto!
2) (=any)• it has been proved beyond all doubt — se ha probado sin que quepa la menor duda
• the town had changed beyond all recognition — la ciudad había cambiado hasta hacerse irreconocible
2. PRONOUN1) (singular)a) (=everything) todo• we did all we could to stop him — hicimos todo lo posible para detenerlo
• all is not lost — liter or hum aún quedan esperanzas
• all of it — todo
I didn't read all of it — no lo leí todo or entero
you can't see all of Madrid in a day — no puedes ver todo Madrid or Madrid entero en un día
it took him all of three hours — (=at least) le llevó tres horas enteras; iro (=only) le llevó ni más ni menos que tres horas
she must be all of 16 — iro debe de tener al menos 16 años
six o'clock? is that all? — ¿las seis? ¿nada más?
that's all — eso es todo, nada más
best, once 1., 1)• all is well — todo está bien
b) (=the only thing)all I can tell you is... — todo lo que puedo decirte es..., lo único que puedo decirte es...
that was all that we managed to salvage from the fire — eso fue todo lo que conseguimos rescatar del incendio
• all that matters is that you're safe — lo único que importa es que estás a salvo
• this concerns all of you — esto os afecta a todos (vosotros)
• they all say that — todos dicen lo mismo
• all who knew him loved him — todos los que le conocieron le querían
3) (in scores)the score is two all — van empatados a dos, el marcador es de empate a dos
above all sobre todo after all después de todo all butit's 30 all — (Tennis) treinta iguales
all for nothingall but seven/twenty — todos menos siete/veinte
all in all en generalI rushed to get there, all for nothing — fui a toda prisa, todo para nada, fui a toda prisa, y total para nada
all in all, things turned out quite well — en general, las cosas salieron bastante bien
all told en total and allwe thought, all in all, it wasn't a bad idea — pensamos que, mirándolo bien, no era una mala idea
for all I care for all I knowthe dog ate the sausage, mustard and all — el perro se comió la salchicha, mostaza incluida
for all I know he could be dead — puede que hasta esté muerto, no lo sé
if (...) at allfor all I know, he could be right — igual hasta tiene razón, no lo sé
I'll go tomorrow if I go at all — si es que voy, iré mañana
it rarely rains here, if at all — aquí rara vez llueve, si es que llueve
I'd like to see him today, if (it's) at all possible — me gustaría verlo hoy, si es del todo posible
in all it allthey won't attempt it, if they have any sense at all — si tienen el más mínimo sentido común, no lo intentarán
it's all or nothing es todo o nada most of all sobre todo, más que nada no... at all not... at allshe seemed to have it all: a good job, a happy marriage — parecía tenerlo todo: un buen trabajo, un matrimonio feliz
I'm not at all tired — no estoy cansado en lo más mínimo or en absoluto
you mean he didn't cry at all? — ¿quieres decir que no lloró nada?
not at all! (answer to thanks) ¡de nada!, ¡no hay de qué!did you mention me at all? — ¿mencionaste mi nombre por casualidad?
"are you disappointed?" - "not at all!" — -¿estás defraudado? -en absoluto
3. ADVERB1) (=entirely) todoMake todo agree with the person or thing described:• the children were all alone — los niños estaban completamente solos
• there were insects all around us — había insectos por todas partes
• I did it all by myself — lo hice completamente solo
• she was dressed all in black — iba vestida completamente de negro
all along• we shook hands all round — nos estrechamos todos las manos
all along the street — a lo largo de toda la calle, por toda la calle
all but (=nearly) casithis is what I feared all along — esto es lo que estaba temiendo desde el primer momento or el principio
all for sthhe all but died — casi se muere, por poco se muere
all in (=all inclusive) (Brit) todo incluido; (=exhausted) * hecho polvo *I'm all for giving children their independence — estoy completamente a favor de or apoyo completamente la idea de dar independencia a los niños
the trip cost £200 all in — el viaje costó 200 libras, todo incluido
after a day's skiing I was all in — después de un día esquiando, estaba hecho polvo * or rendido
all outyou look all in — se te ve rendido, ¡vaya cara de estar hecho polvo! *
all overto go all out — (=spare no expense) tirar la casa por la ventana; (Sport) emplearse a fondo
all over the world you'll find... — en or por todo el mundo encontrarás...
all the more...I looked all over for you — te busqué por or en todas partes
considering his age, it's all the more remarkable that he succeeded — teniendo en cuenta su edad, es aún más extraordinario que lo haya logrado
all too...she valued her freedom, all the more so because she had fought so hard for it — valoraba mucho su libertad, tanto más cuanto que había luchado tanto por conseguirla
all up with all very...all too soon, the holiday was over — cuando quisimos darnos cuenta las vacaciones habían terminado
not all there• that's all very well but... — todo eso está muy bien, pero...
not all that... all-out, better I, 2.he isn't all there * — no tiene todos los tornillos bien *, le falta algún tornillo *
4.NOUN (=utmost)• he had given her his all — (=affection) se había entregado completamente a ella; (=possessions) le había dado todo lo que tenía
• he puts his all into every game — se da completamente en cada partido, siempre da todo lo que puede de sí en cada partido
5.COMPOUNDSthe all clear N — (=signal) el cese de la alarma, el fin de la alarma; (fig) el visto bueno, luz verde
all clear! — ¡fin de la alerta!
to be given the all clear — (to do sth) recibir el visto bueno, recibir luz verde; (by doctor) recibir el alta médica or definitiva
All Fools' Day N — ≈ día m de los (Santos) Inocentes
All Hallows' (Day) N — día m de Todos los Santos
All Saints' Day N — día m de Todos los Santos
All Souls' Day N — día m de (los) Difuntos (Sp), día m de (los) Muertos (LAm)
* * *
I [ɔːl]1) (before n) todo, -da; (pl) todos, -dasall kinds o sorts of people — todo tipo de gente
all morning — toda la mañana, la mañana entera
what's all this we hear about you leaving? — ¿qué es eso de que te vas?
I might as well not bother for all the notice he takes — para el caso que me hace, más vale que ni me moleste
we were dabbling in drink, drugs and all that — flirteábamos con la bebida, las drogas y todo eso or y todo lo demás; see also all III 3) d)
2)a) ( the greatest possible)b) ( any)
1) ( everything) (+ sing vb) todoall I can say is... — todo lo que puedo decir es..., lo único que puedo decir es...
will that be all, madam? — ¿algo más señora?, ¿eso es todo, señora?
all in good time — todo a su debido tiempo, cada cosa a su tiempo
2)a) ( everyone) (+ pl vb) todos, -dasshe is the cleverest of all — es la más inteligente de todos/todas
I don't intend to tell anyone, least of all her! — no pienso decírselo a nadie y a ella menos todavía
3)all of: now that all of the children go to school ahora que todos los niños van al colegio; all of the cheese todo el queso; it took all of 20 years to complete it — se tardó 20 años enteros en acabarlo
4) (after n, pron) todo, -da; (pl) todos, -dasthe unfairness of it all — la injusticia del caso or del asunto
5) (in phrases)a)b)c)he ate it, skin and all — se lo comió con la cáscara y todo
d)at all: they don't like him at all no les gusta nada; I'm not at all worried o worried at all no estoy preocupada en absoluto, no estoy para nada preocupada; thank you - not at all gracias - de nada or no hay de qué; she didn't feel at all well no se sentía nada bien; it's not bad at all, it's not at all bad no está nada mal; they'll come late, if they come at all vendrán tarde, si es que vienen; if (it's) at all possible — si fuera posible
1) ( completely)you've gone all red — te has puesto todo colorado/toda colorada
I got all wet — me mojé todo/toda
I'm all ears — soy todo/toda oídos
it's all the same to me — a mí me da igual or lo mismo
2) (each, apiece) ( Sport)3) (in phrases)a)b)the game had all but finished — prácticamente or ya casi había terminado el partido
c)all for: to be all for something: I'm all for sex education — estoy totalmente a favor de la educación sexual
d)all that — ( particularly) (usu neg)
e)all the — (+ comp)
it is all the more remarkable if you consider... — resulta aún or todavía más extraordinario si se tiene en cuenta...
to give one's all — ( make supreme effort) dar* todo de sí; ( sacrifice everything) darlo* todo, dar* todo lo que se tiene
13 cortés
m.Cortes, Hernando Cortez.* * *► adjetivo1 courteous, polite\* * *adj.courteous, polite* * *ADJ1) (=atento) courteous, polite2)* * ** * *= polite, corteous, courteous, considerate, gracious, urbane, well-mannered, chivalrous, gentlemanlike, civil, friendly-sounding.Ex. Events are not named according to what it is polite or ideal to call them, but according to what they are actually called by authorities in the field.Ex. However compassionate, courteous, and unpressed for time one is, it becomes necessary to move on to other duties.Ex. Library users fall into 4 groups: (1) patrons, who are considerate, grateful and undemanding; (2) 'pests' -- the in considerate; (3) 'pirates' who steal, deface and mutilate library property and materials; (4) 'vampires' whose enquiries make excessive demands upon the librarian's time.Ex. It will be necessary to be gracious when accepting what seem to be peripheral assignments from a company vice president.Ex. His urbane manner, formidable erudition, and background experience might have led one to conclude that perhaps he was somewhat out of his element there on the prairie.Ex. One should avoid giving less effort to the resolution of a problem presented by a calm, well-mannered individual than to those presented by loud, demanding, and persistent pests.Ex. The sketchbook features drawings illustrating the liberal arts (including personifications of the planets), the chivalrous life (including hunting and love), household remedies, mining and smelting, and war technology.Ex. Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike: he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners.Ex. This situation only really stands out because this place is normally such an oasis of gentlemanly and civil behaviour.Ex. The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.----* poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.* * ** * *= polite, corteous, courteous, considerate, gracious, urbane, well-mannered, chivalrous, gentlemanlike, civil, friendly-sounding.Ex: Events are not named according to what it is polite or ideal to call them, but according to what they are actually called by authorities in the field.
Ex: However compassionate, courteous, and unpressed for time one is, it becomes necessary to move on to other duties.Ex: Library users fall into 4 groups: (1) patrons, who are considerate, grateful and undemanding; (2) 'pests' -- the in considerate; (3) 'pirates' who steal, deface and mutilate library property and materials; (4) 'vampires' whose enquiries make excessive demands upon the librarian's time.Ex: It will be necessary to be gracious when accepting what seem to be peripheral assignments from a company vice president.Ex: His urbane manner, formidable erudition, and background experience might have led one to conclude that perhaps he was somewhat out of his element there on the prairie.Ex: One should avoid giving less effort to the resolution of a problem presented by a calm, well-mannered individual than to those presented by loud, demanding, and persistent pests.Ex: The sketchbook features drawings illustrating the liberal arts (including personifications of the planets), the chivalrous life (including hunting and love), household remedies, mining and smelting, and war technology.Ex: Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike: he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners.Ex: This situation only really stands out because this place is normally such an oasis of gentlemanly and civil behaviour.Ex: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.* poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.* ser cortés con = be civil towards.* * *polite, courteouslo cortés no quita lo valiente: ¿aún la saludas después de lo que te hizo? — sí, lo cortés no quita lo valiente you still say hello to her after what she did to you? — yes, politeness doesn't have to be a sign of weakness o you don't lose anything by being polite* * *
Del verbo cortar: ( conjugate cortar)
cortes es:
2ª persona singular (tú) presente subjuntivo
Multiple Entries:
cortar ( conjugate cortar) verbo transitivo
1 ( dividir) ‹cuerda/pastel› to cut, chop;
‹ asado› to carve;
‹leña/madera› to chop;
‹ baraja› to cut;
cortés algo en rodajas/en cuadritos to slice/dice sth;
cortés algo en trozos to cut sth into pieces
2 (quitar, separar) ‹rama/punta/pierna› to cut off;
‹ árbol› to cut down, chop down;
‹ flores› (CS) to pick;
3 ( hacer más corto) ‹pelo/uñas› to cut;
‹césped/pasto› to mow;
‹ seto› to cut;
‹ rosal› to cut back;
‹ texto› to cut down
4 ( en costura) ‹falda/vestido› to cut out
5 ( interrumpir)
‹película/programa› to interrupt
[ manifestantes] to block;
6 (censurar, editar) ‹ película› to cut;
‹escena/diálogo› to cut (out)
7 [ frío]:
verbo intransitivo
1 [cuchillo/tijeras] to cut
2a) (Cin):◊ ¡corten! cut!
cortarse verbo pronominal
1 ( interrumpirse) [proyección/película] to stop;
[llamada/gas] to get cut off;
se me cortó la respiración I could hardly breathe
‹brazo/cara› to cut;
3 ( cruzarse) [líneas/calles] to cross
4 [ leche] to curdle;
[mayonesa/salsa] to separate
5 (Chi, Esp) [ persona] (turbarse, aturdirse) to get embarrassed
cortés adjetivo
polite, courteous
I verbo transitivo
1 to cut
(un árbol) to cut down
(el césped) to mow
2 (amputar) to cut off
3 (la luz, el teléfono) to cut off
4 (impedir el paso) to block
5 (eliminar, censurar) to cut out
II verbo intransitivo
1 (partir) to cut
2 (atajar) to cut across, to take a short cut
3 familiar (interrumpir una relación) to split up: cortó con su novia, he split up with his girlfriend
♦ Locuciones: familiar cortar por lo sano, to put an end to
cortés adjetivo courteous, polite
' cortés' also found in these entries:
- cumplida
- cumplido
- disolución
- educada
- educado
- gentil
- atento
- cortar
- galantería
- presidir
- chivalrous
- civil
- courteous
- gallant
- graceful
- gracious
- urbane
- cut
- debonair
- polite
* * *cortés adjpolite, courteous;* * *adj courteous* * *cortés adj: courteous, polite* * * -
14 dificultad
f.1 difficulty.2 problem.la dificultad está en hacerlo sin mojarse los pies the difficult thing is to do it without getting your feet wet3 hardness, not easiness.imperat.* * *1 difficulty* * *noun f.* * *SF1) (=obstáculo) difficulty2) (=problema) difficultyno hay dificultad para aceptar que... — there is no difficulty about accepting that...
3) (=objeción) objectionme pusieron dificultades para darme el pasaporte — they made it difficult o awkward for me to get a passport
* * *a) ( cualidad de difícil) difficultyb) ( problema)superar or vencer dificultades — to overcome difficulties
* * *= difficulty, rough spot, snag, hardness, hiccup, crunch, challenge, hassle, rub, kink.Ex. But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.Ex. Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.Ex. Hardness and the penetration of the ink layer into the paper were also measured = También se midió la solidez y la penetración de la tinta en el papel.Ex. The book 'The Last Hiccup of the Old Demographic Regime' examines the impact of epidemics and disease on population growth in the late seventeenth century.Ex. The author of the article 'The crunch and academic library services: a personal view' believes that inflation is one of the underlying causes of the crisis in university libraries.Ex. The duration of the cycle varies markedly from institution to institution, dependent upon the adaptability of the institutional structure to challenge and change.Ex. The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.Ex. But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.----* afrontar una dificultad = front + difficulty.* ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.* aprobar sin dificultad = sail through + exam.* avanzar con dificultad = wade through, limp, slog along, plod (along/through).* caminar con dificultad = plod (along/through).* causar dificultad = cause + difficulty.* con dificultad = laboriously, with difficulty.* dificultad + afectar = difficulty + dog.* dificultad + apremiar = difficulty + dog.* dificultad económica = fiscal exigency, financial exigency.* dificultad + encontrarse = difficulty + lie.* dificultades = crisis [crises, -pl.].* dificultades + agravarse = difficulties + exacerbate.* dificultades + aquejar = difficulties + beset.* dificultades económicas = fiscal constraints, fiscal adversity, economic adversity.* dificultad + surgir = difficulty + arise.* encontrar dificultades = encounter + difficulties, encounter + limitations.* encontrarse con dificultades = run up against + difficulties.* encontrarse en dificultades = find + Reflexivo + in difficulties.* enfrentarse con una dificultad = face + difficulty.* entrañar dificultad = present + difficulty.* esa es la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.* forma de evitar una dificultad = way (a)round + difficulty.* funcionar con dificultad = labour [labor, -USA].* ganar sin ninguna dificultad = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.* hacer Algo con dificultad = muddle through, plod (along/through).* indicar las dificultades = note + difficulties.* insertar con dificultad = squeeze in/into.* meter con dificultad = squeeze in/into.* mitigar una dificultad = alleviate + difficulty.* pasar dificultades = struggle, be under strain, bear + hardship, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.* plantear dificultad = pose + difficulty.* plantear dificultades = raise + difficulties.* poner en dificultades = put + Nombre + in difficulties.* presentar dificultad = present + difficulty.* respirar con dificultad = gasp for + breath, wheeze.* señalar las dificultades = note + difficulties.* superar una dificultad = overcome + difficulty, get over + difficulty.* surgir una dificultad = arise + difficulty.* tener dificultad = struggle, experience + difficulty, be hard pressed.* tener dificultad de + Infinitivo = have + difficulty + Gerundio, have + difficulty in + Gerundio.* tener dificultad en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* tener dificultades = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.* toparse con dificultades = run up against + difficulties.* tropezar con dificultades = run into + difficulties.* * *a) ( cualidad de difícil) difficultyb) ( problema)superar or vencer dificultades — to overcome difficulties
* * *= difficulty, rough spot, snag, hardness, hiccup, crunch, challenge, hassle, rub, kink.Ex: UDC is widely used despite the difficulties in keeping the schedules up to date.
Ex: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.Ex: Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.Ex: Hardness and the penetration of the ink layer into the paper were also measured = También se midió la solidez y la penetración de la tinta en el papel.Ex: The book 'The Last Hiccup of the Old Demographic Regime' examines the impact of epidemics and disease on population growth in the late seventeenth century.Ex: The author of the article 'The crunch and academic library services: a personal view' believes that inflation is one of the underlying causes of the crisis in university libraries.Ex: The duration of the cycle varies markedly from institution to institution, dependent upon the adaptability of the institutional structure to challenge and change.Ex: The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.Ex: But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.* afrontar una dificultad = front + difficulty.* ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.* aprobar sin dificultad = sail through + exam.* avanzar con dificultad = wade through, limp, slog along, plod (along/through).* avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.* caminar con dificultad = plod (along/through).* causar dificultad = cause + difficulty.* clasificado por nivel de dificultad = graded.* con dificultad = laboriously, with difficulty.* con dificultades = in difficulties.* conducir o andar con cuidado debido a la dificultad existente = navigate.* con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.* conseguir con dificultad = eke out.* dificultad + afectar = difficulty + dog.* dificultad + apremiar = difficulty + dog.* dificultad económica = fiscal exigency, financial exigency.* dificultad + encontrarse = difficulty + lie.* dificultades = crisis [crises, -pl.].* dificultades + agravarse = difficulties + exacerbate.* dificultades + aquejar = difficulties + beset.* dificultades de aprendizaje = learning difficulties.* dificultades económicas = fiscal constraints, fiscal adversity, economic adversity.* dificultades presupuestarias = budget adversity.* dificultad presupuestaria = budget crunch.* dificultad + surgir = difficulty + arise.* dificultad técnica = technical difficulty.* encontrar dificultades = encounter + difficulties, encounter + limitations.* encontrarse con dificultades = run up against + difficulties.* encontrarse en dificultades = find + Reflexivo + in difficulties.* en dificultades = stranded.* enfrentarse con una dificultad = face + difficulty.* entrañar dificultad = present + difficulty.* esa es la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.* estar en dificultades = be in trouble.* forma de evitar una dificultad = way (a)round + difficulty.* fórmula para la dificultad de lectura = reading formula.* funcionar con dificultad = labour [labor, -USA].* ganar con dificultad = eke out.* ganar sin ninguna dificultad = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.* hacer Algo con dificultad = muddle through, plod (along/through).* indicar las dificultades = note + difficulties.* insertar con dificultad = squeeze in/into.* leer con dificultad = wade through.* meter con dificultad = squeeze in/into.* mitigar una dificultad = alleviate + difficulty.* pasar dificultades = struggle, be under strain, bear + hardship, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.* pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.* plantear dificultad = pose + difficulty.* plantear dificultades = raise + difficulties.* poner en dificultades = put + Nombre + in difficulties.* presentar dificultad = present + difficulty.* progresar con dificultad = thread through.* respirar con dificultad = gasp for + breath, wheeze.* señalar las dificultades = note + difficulties.* sin dificultad = without difficulty.* sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.* sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.* superar una dificultad = overcome + difficulty, get over + difficulty.* surgir una dificultad = arise + difficulty.* tener dificultad = struggle, experience + difficulty, be hard pressed.* tener dificultad de + Infinitivo = have + difficulty + Gerundio, have + difficulty in + Gerundio.* tener dificultad en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* tener dificultades = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.* toparse con dificultades = run up against + difficulties.* tropezar con dificultades = run into + difficulties.* * *superar or vencer dificultades to overcome difficulties¿tuviste alguna dificultad para encontrar la casa? did you have any trouble o difficulty finding the house?tiene dificultades en hacerse entender she has difficulty in o she has problems making herself understoodla dificultad está en hacerlo en el mínimo de tiempo the difficult o hard part is to do it in the shortest possible timepasamos muchas dificultades, pero salimos adelante we had a lot of problems, but we came through it all* * *
Del verbo dificultar: ( conjugate dificultar)
dificultad es:
2ª persona plural (vosotros) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
dificultad sustantivo femenino
tiene dificultades en hacerse entender she has difficulty in making herself understood;
me pusieron muchas dificultades para entrar they made it very hard for me to get in;
meterse en dificultades to get into difficulties
dificultar ( conjugate dificultar) verbo transitivo
to make … difficult
dificultad sustantivo femenino
1 difficulty
2 (penalidad, contrariedad) trouble, problem
dificultades económicas, financial problems
' dificultad' also found in these entries:
- cojo
- elevarse
- encarar
- escollo
- evadir
- fatiga
- impedimento
- infranqueable
- intríngulis
- necesidad
- nudo
- obstáculo
- pena
- remontar
- retroceder
- salir
- salvar
- tela
- tumbo
- vencer
- apuro
- complicación
- confrontar
- contra
- contrariedad
- encontrar
- esquivar
- insuperable
- miga
- ofrecer
- pantano
- pega
- pero
- presentar
- radicar
- sortear
- subsanar
- superar
- surgir
- traba
- tropezar
- experience
- extricate
- gasp
- hassle
- hitch
- hobble
- inarticulate
- iron out
- job
- manage
- painless
- squash in
- struggle
- struggle along
- struggle on
- tongue-tied
- trial
- trouble
- trudge
- considerable
- difficult
- grade
- hiccup
- pit
- scramble
- wheeze
- wriggle
* * *dificultad nf1. [cualidad de difícil] difficulty;2. [obstáculo] problem;la dificultad está en hacerlo sin mojarse los pies the difficult thing is to do it without getting your feet wet;nos puso muchas dificultades para entrevistarlo he put no end of obstacles in our way when we wanted to interview him;¿tuviste alguna dificultad para dar con la calle? did you have any difficulty finding the street?* * *f difficulty;sin dificultad easily;* * *dificultad nf: difficulty* * * -
15 in
in [ɪn]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. preposition2. adverb3. adjective4. plural noun5. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. preposition━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When in is an element in a phrasal verb, eg ask in, fill in, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg in danger, weak in, look up the other word.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• our bags were stolen, and our passports were in them on nous a volé nos sacs et nos passeports étaient dedans━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Feminine countries usually end in -e.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► en is also used with masculine countries beginning with a vowel or silent h.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• in Japan/Kuwait au Japon/Koweït━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Note also the following:━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• in summer/autumn/winter en été/automne/hiver━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• in marble/velvet en marbre/velours• in trying to save her he fell into the water himself en essayant de la sauver, il est tombé à l'eau2. adverb• she opened the door and they all rushed in elle a ouvert la porte et ils se sont tous précipités à l'intérieur━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━b. (at home, work)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• he positioned himself in between the two weakest players il s'est placé entre les deux joueurs les plus faibles• in between adventures, he finds time for... entre deux aventures, il trouve le temps de...► to be in for sth ( = be threatened with)• he's in for it! (inf) il va en prendre pour son grade ! (inf)► to be in on sth (inf) ( = know about)the new treatment is preferable in that... le nouveau traitement est préférable car...► to be well in with sb (inf) être dans les petits papiers de qn (inf)3. adjective• it's the in thing to... c'est très à la mode de...4. plural noun5. compounds• to have in-service training faire un stage d'initiation ► in-store adjective [detective] employé par le magasin* * *Note: in is often used after verbs in English ( join in, tuck in, result in, write in etc). For translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (join, tuck, result, write etc)If you have doubts about how to translate a phrase or expression beginning with in ( in a huff, in business, in trouble etc) you should consult the appropriate noun entry (huff, business, trouble etc)This dictionary contains usage notes on such topics as age, countries, dates, islands, months, towns and cities etc. Many of these use the preposition in. For the index to these notesFor examples of the above and particular functions and uses of in, see the entry below[ɪn] 1.in prison/town — en prison/ville
in the film/newspaper — dans le film/journal
I'm in here! — je suis là!; bath, bed
2) (inside, within) dansthere's something in it — il y a quelque chose dedans or à l'intérieur
3) ( expressing a subject or field) dansin insurance — dans les assurances; course, expert
4) (included, involved)to be in on the secret — (colloq) être dans le secret
I wasn't in on it — (colloq) je n'étais pas dans le coup (colloq)
5) ( in expressions of time)6) ( within the space of) en7) ( expressing the future) dans8) ( for) depuisit hasn't rained in weeks — il n'a pas plu depuis des semaines, ça fait des semaines qu'il n'a pas plu
9) (during, because of) dans10) ( with reflexive pronouns)how do you feel in yourself? — est-ce que tu as le moral?; itself
11) (present in, inherent in)12) (expressing colour, composition) en13) ( dressed in) en14) ( expressing manner or medium)‘no,’ he said in a whisper — ‘non,’ a-t-il chuchoté
in pencil/in ink — au crayon/à l'encre
15) ( as regards)rich/poor in minerals — riche/pauvre en minéraux
16) (by)17) ( in superlatives) de18) ( in measurements)19) ( in ratios)a gradient of 1 in 4 — une pente de 25%
20) ( in approximate amounts)in their hundreds ou thousands — par centaines or milliers
21) ( expressing age)2.in old age — avec l'âge, en vieillissant
3. 4.to weave in and out of — se faufiler entre [traffic, tables]
1) ( indoors)to ask ou invite somebody in — faire entrer quelqu'un
2) (at home, at work)to be in by midnight — être rentré avant minuit; keep, stay
3) (in prison, in hospital)4) ( arrived)5) Sport6) ( gathered)7) ( in supply)8) ( submitted)5.the homework has to be in tomorrow — le devoir doit être rendu demain; get, power, vote
(colloq) adjectiveto be in —
••to have an in with somebody — US avoir ses entrées chez quelqu'un
to have it in for somebody — (colloq) avoir quelqu'un dans le collimateur (colloq)
you're in for it — (colloq) tu vas avoir des ennuis
he's in for a shock/surprise — il va avoir un choc/être surpris
16 παρά
παρά (Hom.+. On elision s. B-D-F §17; Rob. 208) prep. w. three cases (Kühner-G. §440; Schwyzer II 491–98; B-D-F §236–38; Rob. 612–16. Further lit. s.v. ἀνά, beg.; also HRau, De praepositionis παρά usu: GCurtius, Studien etc. III 1870).A. W. gen., which nearly always as in Hom., Hdt., Pla., X. et al. denotes a pers., and indicates that someth. proceeds fr. this pers. (Hs 2:3 is an exception):① marker of extension from the side of, from (the side of) w. local sense preserved, used w. verbs of coming, going, sending, originating, going out, etc. (TestAbr A 2 p. 78, 30 [Stone p. 4] παρὰ τοῦ μεγάλου βασιλέως ἀπεστάλην; Lucian, Demon. 13 ἀπιὼν παρʼ αὐτοῦ) ἐκπορεύεσθαι J 15:26b. ἐξέρχεσθαι 16:27; 17:8; Lk 2:1; 6:19. ἔρχεσθαι 8:49. παραγίνεσθαι Mk 14:43. πέμπειν τινὰ παρά τινος J 15:26a. πνεύματος ἁγίου … παρὰ τοῦ πατρὸς ἀποσταλέντος εἰς αὐτήν (=Μαρίαν) AcPlCor 2:5. εἶναι παρά τινος be from someone (cp. Job 21:2, 9) J 6:46; 7:29; 9:16, 33; 17:7.② marker of one who originates or directs, from (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 100 §420 παρὰ τ. θεῶν; TestJob 38:8 παρὰ θεοῦ) παρὰ κυρίου ἐγένετο αὕτη this was the Lord’s doing Mt 21:42; Mk 12:11 (both Ps 117:23). W. a double negative: οὐκ ἀδυνατήσει παρὰ τ. θεοῦ πᾶν ῥῆμα (s. ἀδυνατέω) Lk 1:37. τὰ λελαλημένα αὐτῇ παρὰ κυρίου what was said to her (by the angel) at the Lord’s command vs. 45. ἀπεσταλμένος παρὰ θεοῦ John the Baptist was not, like Jesus, sent out fr. the very presence of God, but one whose coming was brought about by God J 1:6 (cp. 2 Macc 11:17). παρʼ ἑαυτῆς φέρει καρπὸν καὶ παρὰ τῆς πτελέας it (i.e. the vine) bears fruit which comes both from itself and from the elm Hs 2:3. On 2 Pt 2:11 s. κρίσις 1bβ.ⓐ after verbsα. of asking, demanding αἰτεῖν and αἰτεῖσθαι (cp. X., An. 1, 3, 16, Hell. 3, 1, 4; SIG 785, 9f; PFay 121, 12ff; Tob 4:19 BA al.; LXX; TestAbr A 9 p. 87, 2 [Stone p. 22]; TestJob 20:2; ParJer 7:14; Jos., Ant. 15, 92) Mt 20:20 v.l. (for ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ); J 4:9; Ac 3:2; 9:2; Js 1:5; 1J 5:15 v.l. (for ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ); 1 Cl 36:4 (Ps 2:8); Hm 9:2, 4; Dg 1. ζητεῖν (Tob 4:18; Sir 7:4; cp. 1 Macc 7:13) Mk 8:11; Lk 11:16; 12:48.β. of taking, accepting, receiving λαμβάνειν (class.; Appian, Mithrid. 88 §397; SIG 546 B, 23 [III B.C.]; Jdth 12:15; Sus 55 Theod.; 1 Macc 8:8; 11:34; 4 Macc 12:11; TestJob 11:5; JosAs 24:11; Just., A I, 39, 5 al.) Mk 12:2; Lk 6:34; J 5:34, 41, 44; 10:18; Ac 2:33; 3:5; 17:9; 20:24; 26:10 (Jos., Ant. 14, 167 λαβὼν ἐξουσίαν παρά σου [= τ. ἀρχιερέως]; 11, 169); Js 1:7; 2 Pt 1:17; 2J 4; Rv 2:28; Hs 1:8; 8, 3, 5; GJs 20, 2 codices. ἀπολαμβάνειν (SIG 150, 19f [restored text; IV B.C.]; 4 Macc 18:23) Hv 5:7. παραλαμβάνειν (Hdt. et al.; oft. ins; POxy 504, 14 al. in pap) Gal 1:12; 1 Th 2:13; 4:1; 2 Th 3:6. δέχεσθαι (Thu. 1, 20, 1 et al.; 1 Macc 15:20; TestJob 11:12; cp. διαδέχεσθαι Ath. 37, 1) Ac 22:5; Phil 4:18a. κομίζεσθαι (SIG 244 I, 5ff [IV B.C.]; Gen 38:20; 2 Macc 7:11; Ath. 12, 1) Eph 6:8. εὑρεῖν (SIG 537, 69; 1099, 28; cp. εὑρίσκω 3, end) 2 Ti 1:18. ἔχειν τι παρά τινος have received someth. fr. someone (1 Esdr 6:5) Ac 9:14; cp. Hv 3, 9, 8. γίνεταί μοί τι παρά τινος I receive someth. from someone (Att.) Mt 18:19. ἔσται μεθʼ ἡμῶν χάρις … παρὰ θεοῦ πατρὸς καὶ παρὰ Ἰησοῦ 2J 3 (cp. X., An. 7, 2, 25). οἱ πιστευθέντες παρὰ θεοῦ ἔργον those who were entrusted by God with a task 1 Cl 43:1 (cp. Polyb. 3, 69, 1; SIG 1207, 12f). παρὰ τοῦ κυρίου πλουτίζεσθαι receive one’s wealth fr. the Lord Hs 2:10.—Sim. in the case of a purchase the seller is introduced by παρά: buy fr. someone ἀγοράζειν (s. ἀγοράζω 1, end) Rv 3:18. ὠνεῖσθαι Ac 7:16. ἄρτον φαγεῖν παρά τινος receive support from someone 2 Th 3:8.γ. of learning, coming to know, hearing, asking ἀκούειν (s. ἀκούω 1bβ and 3) J 1:40; 6:45; 7:51; 8:26, 40; 15:15; Ac 10:22; 28:22; 2 Ti 1:13; 2:2; AcPlCor 1:6; ἀκριβοῦν Mt 2:7, 16. ἐξακριβάζεσθαι Hm 4, 2, 3. ἐπιγινώσκειν Ac 24:8. μανθάνειν (since Aeschyl., Ag. 858; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 176; Sir 8:8f; 2 Macc 7:2 v.l.; 3 Macc 1:1; Just., A I, 23, 1 and D. 78, 1 al.; Ath. 7, 2; 22, 8) 2 Ti 3:14. πυνθάνεσθαι (Hdt. 3, 68; X., Cyr. 1, 6, 23; Pla., Rep. 5, 476e; SIG 1169, 30; 2 Ch 32:31) Mt 2:4; J 4:52 (without παρά v.l.); B 13:2 (Gen 25:22).α. w. a noun (funct. as a gen.: Pla., Symp. 197e ὁ παρά τινος λόγος ‘the expression made by someone’; X., Hell. 3, 1, 6 δῶρον παρὰ βασιλέως, Mem. 2, 2, 12 ἡ παρά τινος εὔνοια, Cyr. 5, 5, 13 τὸ παρʼ ἐμοῦ ἀδίκημα ‘the crime committed by me’; Polyb. 3, 69, 3 ἡ παρʼ αὐτοῦ σωτηρία; Polyaenus 3, 9, 28 ἡ παρὰ στρατηγοῦ ἀρετή; SIG 543, 27; Ex 4:20; 14:13; Philo, Plant. 14; Jos., Ant. 12, 400; Just., A I, 32, 8 and D. 92, 1 al.; Ath. 7, 1) ἡ παρʼ ἐμοῦ διαθήκη Ro 11:27 (Is 59:21).—Ac 26:12 v.l.; 22 v.l.β. w. subst. functionא. τὰ παρά τινος what someone gives, someone’s gifts (X., Mem. 3, 11, 13; Jos., Bell. 2, 124, Ant. 8, 175; Tat. 32, 1 τὰ παρὰ θεοῦ) Lk 10:7; Phil 4:18b. τὰ παρʼ αὐτῆς her property, what she had Mk 5:26 (cp. IPriene 111, 177). τὰ παρὰ ζώσης καὶ μενούσης (the help that I received) from a living, contemporary voice Papias (2:4).ב. οἱ παρά τινος someone’s envoys (οἱ παρὰ βασιλέω πρέσβει X., Hell. 1, 3, 9; oft. in ins.: see, e.g., OGI 5, 50 from Ptolemy; the full expression οἱ παρʼ ὑμῶν πρεσβείς OGI 8 VI, 108–9; Schwyzer II 498; B-D-F §237, 2) οἱ παρὰ τοῦ βασιλέως (1 Macc 2:15; 1 Esdr 1:15) 1 Cl 12:4.—The Koine also uses this expr. to denote others who are intimately connected w. someone, e.g. family, relatives (PGrenf II, 36, 9 [II B.C.]; POxy 805 [I B.C.]; 298, 37 [I A.D.]; CPR I, 179, 16; 187, 7; Sb 5238, 19 [I A.D.]; Sus 33; 1 Macc 13:52; Jos., Ant. 1, 193. Further exx. fr. pap in Mlt. 106f; Rossberg [s. ἀνά, beg.] 52) Mk 3:21 (s. CBruston/PFarel: RTQR 18, 1909, 82–93; AWabnitz, ibid. 221–25; SMonteil, ibid. 19, 1910, 317–25; JMoulton, Mk 3:21: ET 20, 1909, 476; GHartmann, Mk 3:20f: BZ 11, 1913, 248–79; FZorell, Zu Mk 3:20, 21: ZKT 37, 1913, 695–7; JBelser, Zu Mk 3:20f: TQ 98, 1916, 401–18; Rdm.2 141; 227.—S. also at ἐξίστημι 2a).B. w. dat., the case that exhibits close association① marker of nearness in space, at/by (the side of), beside, near, with, acc. to the standpoint fr. which the relationship is viewedⓐ near, besideα. w. things (Synes., Ep. 126 p. 262a; Kaibel 703, 1; POxy 120, 23; 2 Km 10:8; 11:9; Jos., Ant. 1, 196) εἱστήκεισαν παρὰ τῷ σταυρῷ J 19:25. κεῖσθαι παρὰ τῷ πύργῳ Hv 3, 5, 5.ⓑ in (someone’s) house, city, company, etc. (Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 5 al. παρὰ Λάβαν)α. house: ἀριστᾶν Lk 11:37. καταλύειν 19:7 (Pla., Gorg. 447b; Demosth. 18, 82). μένειν (JosAs 20:8; Jos., Ant. 1, 298; 299) J 1:39; Ac 9:43; 18:3; 21:8. ξενίζεσθαι 10:6; 21:16 (ξενίζω 1). So prob. also ἕκαστος παρʼ ἑαυτῷ each one at home 1 Cor 16:2 (cp. Philo, Cher. 48 παρʼ ἑαυτοῖς, Leg. ad Gai. 271). ὸ̔ν ἀπέλιπον ἐν Τρῳάδι παρὰ Κάρπῳ 2 Ti 4:13.β. city: Rv 2:13. So prob. also ἦσαν παρʼ ἡμῖν ἑπτὰ ἀδελφοί Mt 22:25.—J 4:40; Col 4:16 (where the congregation at Laodicea is contrasted w. the one at Col.).γ. other uses: παρὰ Ἰουδαίοις among Judeans Mt 28:15. παρʼ αὐτοῖς ἐπιμεῖναι remain with them Ac 28:14; cp. 21:7. οἱ παρʼ ὑμῖν πρεσβύτεροι the elders among you 1 Cl 1:3.—παρὰ τῷ πατρί with (of spatial proximity) the Father Mt 6:1; J 8:38a; cp. 17:5 (Synes., Kingship 29 p. 31d: philosophy has her abode παρὰ τῷ θεῷ and if the world refuses to receive her when she descends to earth, μένει παρὰ τῷ πατρί). Of Jesus: παρʼ ὑμῖν μένων while I was with you (on earth) J 14:25. Of the Spirit: παρʼ ὑμῖν μένει vs. 17. Of the Father and Son in their relation to the faithful Christian: μονὴν παρʼ αὐτῷ ποιησόμεθα we will take up our abode with him vs. 23.δ. fig. παρά τινι before someone’s judgment seat (Demosth. 18, 13 εἰς κρίσιν καθιστάναι παρά τινι; Appian, Maced. 11 §8 παρʼ ὑμῖν ἐς κρίσιν) 2 Pt 2:11 v.l. Closely related is② marker of one whose viewpoint is relevant, in the sight or judgment of someone (Soph., Hdt.; PSI 435, 19 [258 B.C.] παρὰ τῷ βασιλεῖ) παρὰ τῷ θεῷ: δίκαιος παρὰ τῷ θεῷ righteous in the sight of God Ro 2:13 (cp. Job 9:2; Jos., Ant. 6, 205; Ath. 31, 2 εὐδοξοῦμεν … παρὰ τῷ θεῷ).—Cp. 1 Cor 3:19; Gal 3:11; 2 Th 1:6; Js 1:27; 1 Pt 2:4; 2 Pt 3:8. θυσία δεκτὴ παρὰ τῷ θεῷ Hs 5, 3, 8. ἔνδοξος παρὰ τῷ θεῷ m 2:6; Hs 5, 3, 3; 8, 10, 1; 9, 27, 3; 9, 28, 3; 9, 29, 3.—9, 7, 6.—Acc. to the judgment of humans (Jos., Ant. 7, 84; Just., A I, 20, 3) 8, 9, 1. τί ἄπιστον κρίνεται παρʼ ὑμῖν; Ac 26:8. ἵνα μὴ ἦτε παρʼ ἑαυτοῖς φρόνιμοι Ro 11:25; cp. 12:16 (s. Pr 3:7 μὴ ἴσθι φρόνιμος παρὰ σεαυτῷ).—‘In the judgment’ passes over into a simpler with (PsSol 9:5 παρὰ κυρίῳ; Jos. Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 10 παρὰ θεοῖς=with the gods) εὑρεῖν χάριν παρά τινι find favor with someone (Ex 33:16; cp. Num 11:15) Lk 1:30; Hs 5, 2, 10. τοῦτο χάρις παρὰ θεῷ 1 Pt 2:20. χάριν ἔχειν (Ex 33:12) m 5, 1, 5. προέκοπτεν ἐν τῇ χάριτι παρὰ θεῷ καὶ ἀνθρώποις Lk 2:52. τί ταπεινοφροσύνη παρὰ θεῷ ἰσχύει, τί ἀγάπη ἁγνὴ παρά θεῷ δύναται how strong humility is before God, what pure love before God can do 1 Cl 21:8.③ marker of personal reference, at the side of, with almost equivalent to the dat. as such (Ps 75:13): δυνατόν or ἀδύνατον παρά τινι possible or impossible for someone (Gen 18:14; Just., A I, 33, 2; Ath., R. 9 p. 58, 6) Mt 19:26ab; Mk 10:27abc; Lk 1:37 v.l.; 18:27ab; 1 Cl 27:2.—AFridrichsen, SymbOsl 14, ’35, 44–46. Closely related in mng. is④ marker of connection of a quality or characteristic w. a pers., with (οὐκ) ἔστιν τι παρά τινι someth. is (not) with or in someone, someone has someth. (nothing) to do w. someth. (Demosth. 18, 277 εἰ ἔστι καὶ παρʼ ἐμοί τις ἐμπειρία; Gen 24:25; Job 12:13; Ps 129:4 παρὰ σοι ὁ ἱλασμός ἐστιν; Just., D. 82, 1 παρὰ … ἡμῖν … χαρίσματα) οὐκ ἔστιν προσωπολημψία παρὰ τ. θεῷ Ro 2:11 (TestJob 43, 13). Cp. 9:14; Eph 6:9; Js 1:17. Sim. Mt 8:10; 2 Cor 1:17.⑤ marker of a relationship w. a narrow focus, among, before παρʼ ἑαυτοῖς among themselves (Philo, Cher. 48) διαλογίζεσθαι Mt 21:25 v.l. (cp. Demosth. 10, 17 γιγνώσκειν παρʼ αὑτῷ; Epict., Ench. 48, 2).—In ἐν τούτῳ μενέτω παρὰ θεῷ 1 Cor 7:24, the mng. of παρὰ θεῷ is not certain: let the pers. remain in that position (the same one in which he was when called to salvation) before God; it is prob. meant to remind Christians of the One before whom they cannot even have the appearance of inferiority (ins: Mitt-Wilck, I/2, 4, 4 [13 B.C.] παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ Ἑρμῇ=‘before, in the sight of’; Sb 7616 [II A.D.] τὸ προσκύνημά σου ποιῶ παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ Σαράπι=‘before the Lord’ S.; 7661, 3 [c. 100 A.D.]; 7932, 7992, 6 [letter II/III A.D.]). Or perh. it simply means that no matter what the situation may be, one is to be focused on God.C. w. acc. of pers. or thing① marker of a position viewed as extended (w. no difference whether παρά answers the question ‘where?’ or ‘whither?’ See B-D-F §236, 1; Rob. 615).ⓐ by, along περιπατεῖν παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν (Pla., Gorg. 511e. Cp. SIG 1182; Jos., Ant. 2, 81) Mt 4:18; cp. Mk 1:16.α. παρὰ (τὴν) θάλασσαν by the sea (or lake) , at the shore Mt 13:1; Mk 4:1; 5:21; Ac 10:6, 32; cp. Lk 5:1, 2. παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν by the side of the road (X., An. 1, 2, 13; Plut., Lysander 450 [29, 4] a tomb παρὰ τ. ὁδόν=beside the road) Mt 20:30; Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35 (but on the road is also poss. in these three places; s. d below).β. παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν to (the side of) the sea (lake) Mt 15:29; Mk 2:13. παρὰ ποταμόν to the river Ac 16:13.ⓒ gener. near, at παρὰ τοὺς πόδας τινός at someone’s feet (sit, fall, place etc.; TestAbr A 17 p. 98, 16 [Stone p. 44]) Mt 15:30; Lk 7:38; 8:35, 41; 10:39 v.l.; 17:16; Ac 4:35, 37 v.l.; 5:2; 7:58; 22:3 (s. ET 30, 1919, 39f). παρὰ τὸν πὺργον beside the tower Hs 9, 4, 8; 9, 6, 5; 8; 9, 7, 1; 9, 11, 6.—παρὰ τὴν ἰτέαν 8, 1, 2 (cp. TestAbr A 6 p. 83, 10 [Stone p. 14] παρὰ τὴν δρῦν τὴν Μαμβρῆ).ⓓ on παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν on the road (w. motion implied; Aesop, Fab. 226 P.=420 H.: πεσὼν παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν; Phot., Bibl. 94 p. 74b on Iambl. Erot. [Hercher I p. 222, 22] πίπτουσι παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν) Mt 13:4, 19; Mk 4:4; Lk 8:5; on the road (w. no motion implied; Theophr., HP 6, 6, 10: the crocus likes to be trodden under foot, διὸ καὶ παρὰ τὰς ὁδοὺς κάλλιστος; Phot. p. 222, 29 H. [s. above]) Mk 4:15; Lk 8:12. Perh. also Mt 20:30; Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35 (s. bα above).—παρὰ τὸ χεῖλος τῆς θαλάσσης on the seashore Hb 11:12 (TestAbr A 1 p. 78, 1 [Stone p. 4]; ApcEsdr 3:10; ApcSed 8:9).② marker of extension in time, during, from … to (Lucian, Catapl. 24 παρὰ τ. βίον=during his life; POxy 472, 10; TestAbr A 20 p. 102, 26 [Stone p. 52] παρὰ μίαν ὥραν; Tat. 14, 2 παρʼ ὸ̔ν ἔζων χρόνον) παρʼ ἐνιαυτόν from year to year (Plut., Cleom. 15, 1; cp. ἐνιαυτός 1) B 10:7.③ marker of comparative advantage, in comparison to, more than, beyond ἁμαρτωλοί, ὀφειλέται π. πάντας Lk 13:2, 4 (PSI 317, 6 [95 A.D.] παρὰ πάντας; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 234 παρὰ τ. ἄλλους ἅπαντας; JosAs 10:6 παρὰ πάσας τὰς παρθένους; Just., A I, 20, 3 παρὰ πάντας ἀδίκως μισούμεθα). κρίνειν ἡμέραν παρʼ ἡμέραν (s. κρίνω 1) Ro 14:5. π. πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν B 11:9 (prophetic quot. of unknown orig.). π. πάντα τὰ πνεύματα more than all other spirits Hm 10, 1, 2. ἐλαττοῦν τινα π. τινα make someone inferior to someone Hb 2:7, 9 (s. ἐλαττόω 1 and cp. PGrenf I, 42, 12 [II B.C.] ἐλαττουμένων ἡμῶν παρὰ τοὺς δεῖνα). εἶδος ἐκλεῖπον π. τὸ εἶδος τῶν ἀνθρώπων (s. ἐκλείπω 4) 1 Cl 16:3.—After a comp. (Thu. 1, 23, 3; ApcEsdr 1:22; Tat. 2, 2) Lk 3:13; Hb 1:4; 3:3; 9:23; 11:4; 12:24; B 4:5 (cp. Da 7:7); Hv 3, 12, 1; Hs 9, 18, 2.—When a comparison is made, one member of it may receive so little attention as to pass fr. consideration entirely, so that ‘more than’ becomes instead of, rather than, to the exclusion of (Plut., Mor. 984c; PsSol 9:9; EpArist 134; Just., A I, 22, 2) λατρεύειν τῇ κτίσει παρὰ τὸν κτίσαντα serve the creation rather than the Creator Ro 1:25 (cp. EpArist 139: the Jews worship τὸν μόνον θεὸν παρʼ ὅλην τὴν κτίσιν). δεδικαιωμένος παρʼ ἐκεῖνον justified rather than the other Lk 18:14. ἔχρισέν σε … παρὰ τοὺς μετόχους (God) has anointed you and not your comrades Hb 1:9 (Ps 44:8). ὑπερφρονεῖν παρʼ ὸ̔ δεῖ φρονεῖν Ro 12:3 (Plut., Mor. 83f παρʼ ὸ̔ δεῖ). παρὰ καιρὸν ἡλικίας Hb 11:11 (Plut., Rom. 25, 6 παρʼ ἡλικίαν; cp. ἡλικία 2a).—παρὰ δύναμιν beyond their means (s. δύναμις 2) 2 Cor 8:3.—After ἄλλος (Pla., Lach. 178b, Leg. 3, 693b; X., Hell. 1, 5, 5; Demosth. 18, 235) another than 1 Cor 3:11.④ marker of degree that falls slightly short in comparison, except for, almost παρὰ μικρόν except for a little, almost (s. μικρός 1eγ) Hs 8, 1, 14. Likew. παρά τι (cp. Vett. Val. 228, 6) Lk 5:7 D; Hs 9, 19, 3.⑤ marker of causality, because of (cp. Pind., O. 2, 65 κενεὰν παρὰ δίαιταν ‘in the interest of’ or ‘for the sake of a scanty livelihood’, the scantiness here contrasting with the immense labor involved; Demosth. 4, 11; 9, 2; PRyl 243, 6; POxy 1420, 7) παρὰ τό w. acc. foll. because (SIG 495, 130; UPZ 7, 13 [163 B.C.] παρὰ τὸ Ἕλληνά με εἶναι.—Mayser II/1, 1926, 331; Gen 29:20; Ex 14:11) 1 Cl 39:5f (Job 4:20f). π. τοῦτο because of this (Kühner-G. I 513, 3; Synes., Ep. 44 p. 185a; 57 p. 192d) ITr 5:2; IRo 5:1 (quot. fr. 1 Cor 4:4, where Paul has ἐν τούτῳ). οὐ παρὰ τοῦτο οὐ (double neg. as a strengthened affirmative) not for that reason any the less 1 Cor 12:15f.⑥ marker of that which does not correspond to what is expected, against, contrary to (Hom., Alc. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; Just., Tat., Ath.—Schwyzer II 497) π. τὴν διδαχήν Ro 16:17. παρʼ ἐλπίδα against hope (s. ἐλπίς 1a) in wordplay w. ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι 4:18. παρὰ φύσιν (Thu. 6, 17, 1; Pla., Rep. 5, 466d; Tat. 22, 2; Ath. 26, 2, R. 6 p. 54, 13) 1:26; 11:24. παρὰ τὸν νόμον (Just., A II, 2, 4; Ath. 1, 3; cp. X., Mem. 1, 1, 18 παρὰ τοὺς νόμους; PMagd 16, 5 [222 B.C.] παρὰ τοὺς νόμους; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 233; Just., A I, 68, 10) Ac 18:13. παρʼ ὅ contrary to that which Gal 1:8f (Just., A I, 43, 8).⑦ marker of something that is less, less (Hdt. 9, 33; Plut., Caesar 722 [30, 5]; Jos., Ant. 4, 176; POxy 264, 4 [I A.D.]) τεσσεράκοντα παρὰ μίαν forty less one=thirty-nine (i.e. lashes) 2 Cor 11:24 (cp. Makkoth 3, 10 [tr. HDanby, The Mishnah ’33, 407]).—On παρʼ αὐτά ITr 11:1 s. παραυτά.—DELG. M-M. TW. -
17 persuade
1. Ihe is the sort of person it is impossible to persuade он такой человек, которого ни в чем нельзя убедить2. IIIpersuade smb. they persuaded me они меня убедили /уговорили/3. IVpersuade smb. in some manner persuade smb. quickly (eventually, tactfully, firmly, successfully, etc.) быстро и т.д. уговорить /убедить/ кого-л.; we tried to persuade him to the contrary мы пытались убедить его в обратному persuade smb. at some time persuade smb. in the end (at last', at length, soon, never, etc.) в конце концов и т.д. уговорить /убедить/ кого-л.4. VIIpersuade smb. to do smth. persuade smb. to wait (to lead a better life, to try again, to go for a walk, to stay to supper, to do back, to call a doctor, etc.) уговорить /убедить/кого-л. подождать и т.д.; you will never persuade me to believe that he is right вам никогда не удастся убедить меня /вы не заставите меня поверить/, что он прав; see if you can persuade him to come попробуйте, может быть вам удастся уговорить его прийти5. XIbe persuaded no one, I am persuaded, will say so никто, я уверен /убежден/, этого не скажет; be persuaded of smth. I am persuaded of his innocence (of your good will, of the impossibility of this plan, etc.) я убежден в его невиновности и т.д.; be persuaded to do smth. I was persuaded to give up the attempt меня уговорили отказаться от этой попытки /прекратить свои попытки/; he could not be persuaded to open the door его так и не удалось уговорить открыть дверь; be persuaded that... I am thoroughly persuaded that he is wrong (that they had been here, that he will come, etc.) я совершенно уверен /убежден/, что он неправ и т.д.6. XXI1persuade smb. of smth. persuade smb. of smb.'s sincerity (of smb.'s honesty, of the fact, of the truth of his statement, of the advantage, etc.) убедить /уверить/ кого-л. в чьей-л. искренности и т.д.; persuade smb. into (out of, to) smth. persuade smb. into action (into submission, into the belief that..., etc.) убедить /уговорить/ кого-л. начать действовать и т.д., persuade smb. out of his plan (out of these notions, out of these ideas, etc.) уговорить кого-л. отказаться от своего плана и т.д.; I couldn't persuade him to my way of thinking я не мог заставить его думать, как думаю я7. XXIIpersuade smb. into doing smth. persuade smb. into accepting smth. (into believing smth., into coming with us, etc.) убедить /уговорить/ кого-л. принять что-л. и т.д.; persuade smb. from doing smth. persuade smb. from going there (from listening to them, from selling the house, etc.) уговорить кого-л. не ходить туда и т.д.8. XXVpersuade smb. that... persuade smb. that it is true (that he had slept the whole day, that he ought td do smth., etc.) убедить /уговорить/ кого-л., что это правда и т.д. -
18 think
1. II think therefore I am я мыслю, следовательно я существую; are animals able to think? мыслят ли животные?; don't act without thinking ничего не делай /не предпринимай/, не подумав; let me (give me time to) think дайте мне (время) подумать /собраться с мыслями, поразмыслить, сосредоточиться/; I know what you are thinking я знаю, что /о чем/ вы думаете2. IIthink in some manner think logically (creatively, constructively, shrewdly, idly, etc.) мыслить /думать/ логично и т.д.; think so /as much, this way/ думать определенным образом; he thinks [in] this way он мыслит таким образом; I thought as much я так и думал; no two minds think alike все мы думаем по-разному; you must learn to think clearly вам надо учиться ясно мыслить; think harder подумай получше; think much /а lot/ много думать; if you were to think a little less and act a little more it would be better for all для всех было бы лучше, если бы вы немного меньше размышляли и немного больше делали; is he going to come? I don't think so он собирается приехать? think не думаю; just think! подумать только! think for some time let me think a moment дайте мне немного подумать /сосредоточиться/3. IIIthink smth.1) think great (sad, evil, base, pleasant, etc.) thoughts быть полным великих и т.д. дум /мыслей/; think business постоянно думать о делах2) think no harm /no evil/ не думать /не иметь в виду, не предполагать/ чего-л. дурного; one would not have thought it никто бы об этом не подумал, это никому не пришло бы в голову4. Vthink smth., smb. smth. think it a shame (it a most interesting book, her a clever young lady, him an impolite fellow, etc.) считать, что это позор /это позорным/ и т.д.; think oneself a hero считать себя героем; he doesn't think it any trouble at all он не считает это затруднительным, он считает, что это совсем нетрудно5. VIthink smth., smb. as having some quality think smth. strange (the lecture interesting, the matter very important, the affair unlawful, his success probable, the girl pretty, him right, etc.) считать что-л. странным и т.д.; do you think it likely? вы считаете это вероятным?; think him very powerful (them clever, oneself important, etc.) считать его очень могущественным и т.д.; think smth. as being of some quality to do smth. think it proper (unusual, necessary, strange, etc.) to say this (to go there, to take it, etc.) считать приличным и т.д. сказать это и т.д.; I don't think it wise to go there я считаю неблагоразумным идти туда; I thought it better to stay away (not to try, etc.) я считал, что лучше держаться подальше и т.д.6. VIIthink smb., smth. [to be] smth. think him to be a fool (him to be more straightforward, the girl more intelligent, the matter to be more delicate, etc.) считать его дураком и т.д.; do you think him very much to blame? вы считаете его очень виноватым?; I think it to correspond to facts я думаю /считаю/, что это соответствует фактам7. XI1) be thought about /of/ smth. it must (should, etc.) be thought about /of/ об этом нужно (следует и т.д.) (подумать; there are a number of things to be thought of before we come to a decision прежде, чем мы примем какое-либо решение, надо подумать /поразмыслить/ о ряде вещей /надо учесть ряд вещей/2) be thought of a new house (a motor саг, а winter holiday in the south, etc.) is not to /cannot/ be thought of о новом доме и т.д. думать нечего /и подумать нельзя/; such a thing is not to be thought of о таких вещах и мечтать нечего3) be thought [to be] in some state be thought dead (mad, richt, to be fair, to be lost, etc.) считаться умершим и т.д.; be thought to be smth. he is thought to be a scholar его считают ученым; it is thought to be a fraud считают, что это обман; be thought that it was thought that he would accept the position полагали /считали/, что он согласится на этот пост; be thought of in some manner he is well (highly) thought of о нем хорошо отзываются; it was thought of as impossible это считалось невозможным8. XIIIthink to do smth. think to deceive us (to escape punishment, to help you, to find a home with his daughter, to get a special favour, etc.) надеяться /собираться/ обмануть нас и т.д.; I never thought to find you here (to see you, to meet him again, etc.) я не подумал /никогда не думал/, что могу вас здесь застать и т.д.; think what to do next (how to help, etc.) думать о том, что делать дальше и т.д.9. XVthink as having some quality think fit (proper, good, etc.) считать удобным и т.д.; do as you think best делайте, как вам кажется /вы считаете/ лучше; do not think ill of me не думайте обо мне плохо10. XVI1) think in smth. think in German (in a foreign language, etc.) думать /мыслить/ по-немецки и т.д.; think about /of/ smth. think about /of/ the matter (about that question, about /of/ everything, of many things, about smb.'s suggestion, about the problem, about /of/ the proposal, of such a possibility, etc.) (по)думать об этом деле и т.д., обдумывать это дело и т.д.; why don't you " about my offer before you make up your mind? вам не мешало бы взвесить /продумать/ мое предложение прежде, чем решать; what are you thinking about /of/? о чем вы думаете?; it is not worth thinking about об этом не стоит думать; when I least thought of it когда я меньше всего об этом думал; think (up)on smth. think on life (on the matter, upon life and death, on love, etc.) думать /размышлять/ о жизни и т.д.; there is one thing you ought to think on вам следует подумать об одной вещи2) think of /about/ smth., smb. think of old times (of home, about one's childhood days, about life in the mountains, of the accident, of her, etc.) думать /вспоминать/ о прошлом /о прежних временах/ и т.д.; I can't think of his name at the moment (of his address, of the right phrase, of the name of this place, etc.) я не могу сразу вспомнить его имя и т.д.; I can't think of the figures цифры /числа/ выпали у меня из памяти, я сейчас забыл цифры; I can't think of the right word мне не приходит в голову нужное слово3) think about /of/ smb. think about /of/ his mother (about one's friends, about the friends one has lost, of others, of other people first, etc.) думать /беспокоиться/ о своей матери и т.д.; I have my wife and family to think of мне надо подумать /позаботиться, побеспокоиться/ о жене и всей семье; he thinks only (too much) of himself, he thinks of no one but himself он думает только о себе; think about /of/ smth. think about /of/ smb. think feelings (of smb.'s plight, of their welfare, etc.) думать о чьих-л. чувствах и т.д., считаться с чьими-л. чувствами и т.д.; they think about nothing but clothes (about hair styles, about nothing but sport and pleasure, etc.) у них на уме только платья и т.д., они ни о чем другом, кроме платьев и т.д. не думают4) think of smth., smb. think of a way out of the difficulty (of some excuse to give them, of a word beginning with В, of a good plan, of an amusing way to spend the evening, of such a thing, of a good place for a week-end holidays, etc.) придумать выход из тяжелого положения и т.д.; I just didn't think of it мне это просто не пришло в голову, об этом-то я и не подумал; think of a number задумайте число; think of the danger (of the people who risk their lives, of the nerve of that fellow, of that man being there, etc.) подумать об опасности и т.д., представить /вообразить/ себе опасность и т.д.; I would never have thought of this possibility мне эта возможность не приходила в голову5) think of /about/ smth., smb. what do you think of this plan (of the idea, of my new dress. of our new car, of this man, about me, etc.)? что вы думаете /какого вы мнения/ об этом плане и т.д.?; what do you "think of his speech? как вам понравилась его речь?; I told him what I thought of him я высказал /сказал/ ему [все], что я о нем думаю; think of her as a friend (of her as still a child, of you as a replacement for the man who quit, of him as being tall, of golf as waste of time, etc.) считать ее другом и т.д., думать о ней, как о друге и т.д.; think well (highly, harshly, meanly, etc.) of smth., smb. быть хорошего и т.д. мнения о чем-л., ком-л.; I will not think so poorly of her я не хочу о ней так плохо думать; it depends how you think of it все зависит от того, как к этому отнестись || we thought better of it мы передумали /раздумали/11. XVII1) think before doing smth. think before answering (before making a decision, before accepting, before refusing, etc.) сначала подумать /взвесить/, а потом отвечать и т.д., подумать, прежде чем ответить и т.д.2) think about /of/ doing smth. think about moving to another house (about buying a new piano, about taking her to dinner, about emigrating to Canada, about getting a job, of going tomorrow, of going to Spain for our holiday, of marrying, etc.) подумывать о переезде /собираться переехать, строить планы о том, чтобы переехать/ в другой дом и т.д.; а girl thinks more of "looking nice" than a boy does девушки больше заботятся /думают/ о своей внешности, чем молодые люди; he would not (never) think of letting her go (of allowing it, of inviting them, of going unless he were invited, of saying such things about a lady, of doing such a thing, of allowing my children to stay out until this late hour, etc.) ему бы (никогда) не пришло в голову /он бы и не подумал/ отпустить ее и т.д.; the price is so high that I cannot think of buying it цена так высока, что я и мечтать не могу [, чтобы] купить это3) think about /of/ doing smth. what do you think about going to Spain (of going to the movies tonight, etc.)? как вы /что вы думаете/ насчет поездки в Испанию и т.д.?; what did they think of his playing (of her painting, of our singing, etc.)? что они думают /какого они мнения/ о его игре /о том, как он играет/ и т.д.?12. XVIIIthink to oneself he is not telling the truth, I thought to myself он лжет, подумал я про себя; he was thinking to himself how strange the children were он отметил про себя, какими странными были дети; think for oneself you must think for yourself ты должен решать сам; think oneself into some state think oneself silly довести себя раздумьями до отупения; he thought himself into a fever он так много думал, что заболел13. XXI1think smth. of (about) smb., smth. think unjust things of her думать о ней несправедливо; he thought the world of her он о ней был очень высокого мнения; I think very little of his work (of his abilities, about the new novel, of the teacher, etc.) я очень невысокого мнения о его работе и т.д.; I don't think much of him as a teacher я не высоко ставлю /ценю/ его как преподавателя || think it beneath one (smb.) to do smth. считать ниже своего (чьего-л.) достоинства что-л. сделать14. XXV1) think what... (why..., how..., etc.) think what she would do next (why he came, how to help, etc.) думать о том, что ей делать дальше и т.д.2) think how... (what...., where..., etc.) you can't think how pleased I was (how surprised he was, how glad I am, what he means, what a sharp tongue she has, why she left, where he is, etc.) вы не можете себе представить, как я был доволен и т.д.; think that... I never thought that he himself would come я никогда не думал /не ожидал/, что он сам придет; [only] to think that he is twenty (that I should be let off so early, etc.) подумать только, что ему всего двадцать и т.д.3) think [that] think [that] you are clever (that he is ready, that the earth is flat, you can do it, you are acting foolishly, etc.) думать /полагать, считать/, что вы умны и т.д.; what do you think I ought to do? как вы думаете, что мне следует делать?; I think I'll go now я, пожалуй, пойду; ну, я пошел; it is going to rain, I think мне кажется, будет дождь; it will be better, don't you think, to start early? не лучше ли выехать пораньше, как вы полагаете?; think before you do smth. think carefully before you answer (before you begin, before you accept, etc.) хорошенько подумай, прежде чем отвечать и т.д.15. XXVII1think of what... think of what I've said (of what I told you, of what this means, etc.) подумай о том /над тем/, что я сказал и т.д.; think of what might have happened думать о том, что могло случиться -
19 cool
cool [ku:l]∎ familiar she's a cool customer! (cheeky) elle a du culot!, elle en prend à son aise!; (self-possessed) elle a beaucoup de sang-froid!;∎ to be cool, calm and collected être d'un calme olympien;∎ to be/look as cool as a cucumber garder son sang-froid ou calme∎ she earned a cool million dollars last year elle a gagné la coquette somme d'un million de dollars l'année dernière;∎ that's cool! c'est génial!;∎ I'll be there at eight - cool! je serai là à huit heures - super!∎ is it cool to skin up in here? on peut se rouler un joint ici?;∎ it's not cool to wear jeans in that restaurant on ne peut pas entrer dans ce restaurant si on porte un jean∎ are you cool with that? ça te va?;∎ I thought she'd be angry, but she was really cool about it je pensais qu'elle se fâcherait, mais en fait elle a été très cool2 adverb∎ play it cool! ne nous énervons pas!□3 noun∎ to keep/to lose one's cool garder/perdre son calme(air, liquid, room) rafraîchir, refroidir; (brow, feet) rafraîchir;(food, liquid) (se) refroidir; (friendship etc) se refroidir; (enthusiasm, passion, temper) s'apaiser, se calmerfamiliar Cool Britannia = formule qui tend à véhiculer l'image d'une Grande-Bretagne jeune, dynamique et tournée vers l'avenir; il s'agit d'un jeu de mots avec "Rule Britannia", chant patriotique britannique; -
20 возможность
сущ.По сравнению с русским нейтральным существительным возможность его английские эквиваленты указывают на степень достижимости и на наличие средств для претворения этой потенциальной возможности в жизнь.1. possibility — возможность, вероятность (то, что может произойти или вероятно произойдет): possibility of success (of failure) — возможность удачи (провала/неудачи); within the range (the bounds) of possibility — в пределах возможного; a degree of possibility — степень вероятности His victory in the contest must be regarded as a possibility. — Его победу в конкурсе следует рассматривать, как одну из возможностей./Возможно он победит в конкурсе. In this case one can't foresee all the possibilities. — В этом случае нельзя предвидеть все возможности. We could not ignore the possibility of an enemy attack. — Нельзя пренебрегать возможностью нападения противника./Нельзя не учитывать, что противник может предпринять атаку.2. opportunity — возможность, удобный случай, благоприятная возможность (перспектива, подчеркивающая высокую степень претворения потенциальной возможности в жизнь): a golden opportunity — прекрасная возможность; great opportunities — хорошие возможности/большие перспективы; a favourable (splendid, excellent, unique, rare) opportunity — благоприятная (блестящая, прекрасная, единственная в своем роде, редкая) возможность; commercial opportunities — коммерческие возможности/коммерческие перспективы; trade (education, employment, job/business) opportunities — перспективы развития торговли (образования, занятости, обеспечения работой); learning opportunities — возможности обучения; equal opportunities — равные возможности; an opportunity for travelling — возможность путешествовать; at the earliest opportunity that offers (turns up) — как только представится (подвернется) малейшая возможность; at every opportunity — при каждом удобном случае; at the first opportunity — при первом удобном случае; to have no/little/not any opportunity — не иметь возможности/иметь мало возможностей/не иметь никакой возможности; to take the opportunity — воспользоваться удобным случаем; to lose/to miss an opportunity — упустить удобный случай/упустить удобную возможность; to have an opportunity to do/of doing smth — иметь возможность что-либо сделать; to give (to offer) smb equal opportunities — дать (предоставить) кому-либо равные возможности; to catch a good opportunity — воспользоваться хорошей возможностью; to appreciate this opportunity — ценить эту возможность; to use/to seize every opportunity to do smth — использовать каждую возможность что-либо сделать/воспользоваться любой возможностью что-либо сделать; to watch one's opportunity/to wait for one's opportunity — выжидать удобного случая; to gel an opportunity — получить какую-либо возможность If the opportunity offers itself. — Если представится благоприятная возможность. Don't let the opportunity slip (pass/go by). — He упускай эту возможность./Не упускай такой удобный случай. Не was denied college opportunities. — Ему было отказано в возможности учиться в колледже./Он был лишен возможности учиться в колледже. I haven't much opportunity to see him. — Мне редко предоставляется возможность повидать его. Существительное opportunity вызывает ассоциации с доступом, возможностью проникнуть или войти в здание, эта же вероятность/невозможность возникает при использовании ряда слов с переносным значением: This opened the door to a new way of life. — Это открыло двери для нового образа жизни. Не was only on the threshold of a new career. Он только стоял на пороге новой карьеры. Having a degree is unlocking many opportunities. — Наличие ученой степени открывает путь ко многим возможностям. What would you say is the key to success? — В чем по-твоему ключ к успеху? The company had several openings for trainees. — Компания может предоставить ряд возможностей практикантам. Not everyone has an access to higher education. — He у всех есть доступ к получению высшего образования./Нс у всех есть возможность получить высшее образование. I felt I had got the job by the back door. — Я чувствовал, что получил эту работу по блату. We operate an open-door policy. — Мы проводим политику открытых дверей./Мы проводим политику открытых (для всех) возможностей. Opportunity came knocking. — В дверь стучится благоприятная возможность./Благоприятная возможность лежала у (моих) дверей./Благоприятная возможность лежала у моих ног./Благоприятная возможность сама шла в руки. She felt that all doors were barred/bolted/closed against her. — Она чувствовала, что для нее все двери были закрыты. Age is no barrier to success. — Возраст успеху не помеха.3. means — возможности, материальные средства ( главным образом доход и деньги): We are asked to contribute according to our means. — К нам обращаются с просьбой помочь, кто сколько может./К нам обращаются с просьбой пожертвовать (деньги) в соответствии с нашими возможностями. The car is certainly beyond their means. — Такая машина безусловно им не по средствам. This is the only means to achieve results. — Это единственная возможность достигнуть желаемых результатов. Testing is the only means for checking a student's progress. — Тестирование — единственная возможность установить каких успехов достигли студенты.4. resources — возможности, ресурсы, средства (опыт, знания, навыки, духовные силы): Не had to use all his resources to escape alive. — Он должен был использовать все свои возможности (свой опыт и знания), чтобы остаться в живых. Не made the most of his resources. — Он до конца исчерпал свои возможности./Он использовал все средства. You will have to fall on your own inner resources. — Вам придется опираться на свои внутренние силы./Вам придется использовать свои внутренние ресурсы. They seem to have come to an end of their inner resources. — Они, кажется, исчерпали все свои духовные силы.5. chance — возможность, шанс, риск (возможность чего-либо, что может произойти, но что мало вероятно, на что мало надежд): our only chance — наш единственный шанс/наша единственная возможность; one chance in a thousand — один шанс на тысячу; to take chances — рисковать What are her chances to survive? — Каковы у нее шансы выжить? There is no chance of his accepting our offer. — Надежд на то, что он примет наше предложение нет. There is always a chance that something may go wrong. — Всегда остается вероятность того, что что-либо сорвется. Is there any chance of his lending me the money? — Возможно ли, что он даст мне взаймы?/Есть хоть какая-нибудь надежда на то, что он даст Мне взаймы нужную сумму денег? I have lost so many times, that this time 1 can't take chances. — Я столько проигрывал, что на сей раз не могу рисковать. The горе might break, but we must try, it is our last chance to get across. — Канат может не выдержать/порваться, но мы должны попытаться, это наш последний шанс перебраться на ту сторону. Не hoped that next time he would get/have a better chance to win. — Он надеялся, что в следующий раз у него будет больше возможностей/шансов победить. Let him take another chance. — Дай ему еще один шанс/Пусть он использует еще одну возможность.
См. также в других словарях:
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